Why the hell no Hammerfall...

Everyone keeps going on about Dream Evil to me..all my mates are mad about them aswel! Am i the only person who tihnks they are simply an average metal band???
I mean the lyrics for one are not original at all and although they have some catchy riffs and some good songs they are really nothing special. Don't get me wrong I like the band and even own the cd's but i'm jsut sick of everyone going on and on and on about how great they are. :yell:

I was told Nightwish were shit live before Bloodstock by a friend who had seen them. I can certainly say that statement was a load of bollocks as they blew me away. Their cd's are fantastic too!!

I tihnk its most probable that Hammerfall will play 2005!
divineslayer666 said:
Everyone keeps going on about Dream Evil to me..all my mates are mad about them aswel! Am i the only person who tihnks they are simply an average metal band???
I mean the lyrics for one are not original at all and although they have some catchy riffs and some good songs they are really nothing special.

Every one has their own opinions, i just think that Hammerfall and Dream evil would work very well together, also Kamelot would be nice.
Hammerfall Will Headline Bloodstock, Probably The Friday Night! I Think Thats Best, Having A Blow Me Away Band On Friday, Get More People To Buy The Full Weekend Tickets, Less One Day Tickets :) Plus I Think Saxon Ruled All Kinds Of Arse, So I Loved Two High Class Headliners Last Year, This Year Will No Doubt In Hell Rule All Kinds Of Arse... Evergrey Will Rock!

And Ch, Your Just Dead Wrong, No Matter What Your Opinion. Hammerfall Fuckin` Rock!

Edguy And Nightwish Do Not Become Lacklustre On Cd, They Fuckin Rule... Got The Entire Collection Of Edguy Cds Now, Considering Id Never Heard Of Them Before Bs03' Now Im Obsessed With Them, And Got My Mlp, Dvd, Singles 1 And 2 Of Nemo, Bloody Expensive For Bloody Singles, Lol. But Want The Lim Edition Lp, At Least!