Why tubescreamer?

Don't believe in myths !
To me my 50$ SD-1 sounds a lot better than my friends vintage multi hundred $ Tubescreamer !

I only have three boost pedals... sd1, mt-2, & a dod yjm. The sd1 with one simple mod kicks the other two asses. Ive tried other cheap/expensive boosts as well the sd1 is always my go to pedal.
What do you guys think of the Digitech's Bad Monkey? I've heard it's a great pedal! The sound should right and there is two tone knobs, low and high -> diversity.

How about compared to the TS?
no, this is not how and why we are using Tube Screamers... it's NOT for boosting the gain, in fact the TS can do it's job with it's gain control turned all the way down... and you should leave your amp gain exactly where you want it to be, don't change it. the TS will simply tighten up the lows and low mids. you can add some gain from it if you want, but i would not reduce the gain on your head... just add TS to taste.... i normally only add gain from the TS when tracking solos, for just a little extra bite.

I appreciate the help and advice, thanks - but I would disagree that the universal consensus here is that the amp gain should not be turned down, the most obvious example being those oft-sought-after Sneap TS/5150 settings, in which the drive is at 9 o'clock on the TS and the pregain is at 11 o'clock on the 5150. But hey, it gives me another option to try when I get one for my jSX.
I use a ts infront of my jsx's crunch channel to get a killer lead tone, but dont need it for the ultra channel as it has enough saturation and deep gain as is. It's actually the opposite of what you'd use a ts for, a little extra gain and its nice and fat and girthy, as opposed to tight and sharp.

Ultimately I love my rythm dynamic to consist of the gain structure within the preamp, jsx ultra channel nails it. I dont think this sound is particularly popular round these parts though, spesh for tracking.

and to answer the topic title, its the combination of the 4558 ic and the circuit itself that makes the tubescreamer and its variants give the response and playability. Its just very well adapted to guitarists after extended tube response. Hence it covering a variety of styles!
I'm going to disagree - the 4558 is a piece of shit. It was yanked out of Japanese cheap-shit radios and used because of availability - the same story as the 12AX7 being used for price and not for quality - and has been considered the 'mojo' piece by the same people who honestly believe that the tone that they're missing isn't because they don't know how to play or set up an amp but because they didn't get 1736 Stockholm NOS 6L6-WTFBBQ power tubes. Try out different integrated circuits - a quick Google will return a number of chips that can be used in its place, with the same pin configuration and everything, so pick up two or three of each, yank out that ugly fucker, put in a socket, and see which ones do what you want the best.

The circuit itself is the key - it cuts flabby lows and shrill highs (which makes the amp respond better) and clips in a very smooth way (due to a clipping filter that actually has more effect on the sound as you turn the gain up) so that the amp is hit in a way that's more suited for high-gain playing.

Tubes were yanked out of cheap-shit radios too and used because of availability, welcome to industrailist capatilism, if it works in guitar apps though, awesome! I followed a comparo of all the common ts chips and boutique replacements, but the orig jrc4558 sounded best (in a slight breakup-pushing preamp setting) to my ears. Although most all of them achieved similar results, which you could enhance and customise through circuitry. I use to be anti the 4558 phenom prior to getting my jsx, because of how many things I seen the bastards in that sounded like butt. Like an old hissy jap 10band eq that had 12 in it, one for each freq and levels. For overdrive 'feel' and 'tone injection' I prefered the ibanez master series stl super tube. I still love what that thing can add. For more gain/distortion in overdrive its an old old ibanez 'overdrive II' (od-855). Neither had 4558s as far as I can remember. The overdrive II also beat out the original grey dod 250 (which I liked way better then the other 250's that I've tried) for grit and stuff. That was using vintage tube amps however, and the jsx didn't like any of them! So I dug up the only ts pedal I could, a ts10 tubescreamer classic with a jrc4558. Instant magic!

I dont believe they alone make the sound, I just like what it does the most. I cant see the ti version sounding much different, and I wouldn't pay more then a dollar for one. However, the market can get absolutely crazy over this stuff. Capatalism indeed!
I use one o deez. I like the Q options better and it breaks up a little less consistantly (more grainy) than a TS. The bitch is that you won't find these much anymore :(.


I want one of these as well they sound so badass:

Tubes were yanked out of cheap-shit radios too and used because of availability, welcome to industrailist capatilism, if it works in guitar apps though, awesome! I followed a comparo of all the common ts chips and boutique replacements, but the orig jrc4558 sounded best (in a slight breakup-pushing preamp setting) to my ears. Although most all of them achieved similar results, which you could enhance and customise through circuitry. I use to be anti the 4558 phenom prior to getting my jsx, because of how many things I seen the bastards in that sounded like butt. Like an old hissy jap 10band eq that had 12 in it, one for each freq and levels. For overdrive 'feel' and 'tone injection' I prefered the ibanez master series stl super tube. I still love what that thing can add. For more gain/distortion in overdrive its an old old ibanez 'overdrive II' (od-855). Neither had 4558s as far as I can remember. The overdrive II also beat out the original grey dod 250 (which I liked way better then the other 250's that I've tried) for grit and stuff. That was using vintage tube amps however, and the jsx didn't like any of them! So I dug up the only ts pedal I could, a ts10 tubescreamer classic with a jrc4558. Instant magic!

I dont believe they alone make the sound, I just like what it does the most. I cant see the ti version sounding much different, and I wouldn't pay more then a dollar for one. However, the market can get absolutely crazy over this stuff. Capatalism indeed!

You're certainly in the minority, from my experience - I've hardly ever had someone prefer the 4558 in a blindfolded test.
