Why women are dumb


Suck my joined date.
Nov 21, 2007
Women do not exist as a the fullest extent of human being. Instead porquoi they formulate a change in discern though shallowness and concietiality. They base their existence on an overly sexualized sensitivity to the specific sexual politics of the moment. How many men are in the room, how many women, how hot are each, hom feminist is the society, what shit hop video is on the television, etc. They avoid any kind of abstract or worthwhile thought and just try and stupify everyone with their stinking vaginas.
Mangoes are more than one color. They possess an inner essence that is neither spherical nor ovaltine, but some kind of fucked up rectangle. The skin of a mango conceals a watery, loose interior that clearly signifies frequent bowel movements. There is no hair on a mango. I don't like that. Pussies should be shaven - and mangoes are obviously pussies. When ripe, I can absolutely CRUSH them. When unripe, they frustrate me and taste like shit. They hang out in groups of uneven numbers, leaving one to clearly mooch off the earnings of hard-working Americans. They play shuffleboard in the morning. I once saw a mango peaking over an old lady's shoulder at the ATM. They all watch Lifetime. They listen to Beyonce because it's cool, not because she's a grade-A entertainer. They want to take my guns. And I'm pretty sure that one raped my pet koala bear and gave it AIDS, which is just not okay. Because only rednecks can rape animals. It says so in the bible.
Mangoes are more than one color. They possess an inner essence that is neither spherical nor ovaltine, but some kind of fucked up rectangle. The skin of a mango conceals a watery, loose interior that clearly signifies frequent bowel movements. There is no hair on a mango. I don't like that. Pussies should be shaven - and mangoes are obviously pussies. When ripe, I can absolutely CRUSH them. When unripe, they frustrate me and taste like shit. They hang out in groups of uneven numbers, leaving one to clearly mooch off the earnings of hard-working Americans. They play shuffleboard in the morning. I once saw a mango peaking over an old lady's shoulder at the ATM. They all watch Lifetime. They listen to Beyonce because it's cool, not because she's a grade-A entertainer. They want to take my guns. And I'm pretty sure that one raped my pet koala bear and gave it AIDS, which is just not okay. Because only rednecks can rape animals. It says so in the bible.

Don't forget that they walk around with these like balloon things coming out of their shirts as if that's even funny anymore.
And they STINK!

i think all women should just become hookers; strip away all the bullshit, defense mechanisms, standards, self-esteem... break them down to their one true purpose which is to be receptacles for cock

they should unquestioningly provide sex if offered money, gifts, favors or asked politely
Trollthread but I'll bite anyway.

Women are often awesome but unfortunately our culture often stifles their personalities, intelligence and potential. A world where both misogynists and feminists didn't exist would be a better place. IE women are empowered but still feminine. Women are neither used for sex, nor lord it over men. They don't overcompensate for being women or set their goals too low. Look at the animal kingdom for a rough guideline when ever in doubt of society.
Culture huh, ya ever cum on a girls face and never call her again? Talk about stifling their personalities, intelligence and potential.. It breeds furious neo feminist.
I'm not convinced the looking at the animal kingdom is really the model we want for society. I know that I for one don't plan on getting eaten after completing the act of copulation any time soon.