Why women are dumb

no smart women are good because you can discuss things with them. The smartness also usually forces them to be less neurotic.
But at some point in my relationship I want left alone to my own vices. If my vices are hers, I never get time to myself. I've always been a bit of a loner though I guess.

I'm on board with this. My dude doesn't dig games of pretty much any type, I VG and disc golf without him on the regular and like it that way. Gotta have a few things that are all yours.
i heard today that a fat woman i used to work with was pulling weeds in her yard and one snapped and she fell backwards and crushed her rabbit hutch and one rabbit was injured and another was killed.
no smart women are good because you can discuss things with them. The smartness also usually forces them to be less neurotic.

You would say that, Eddie Cantor.

Whoa. That's a stupid fucking thing to say.

smart women are usually more full of themselves and judgmental. also i suck at conversation and don't give a shit what they have to say. dumb women can be like that too but it's more often smart women

smart or dumb i guess it's more important that they're nice
I know what you mean about smart women being judgmental. I avoid Brit middle class women as a rule, because I'm too awkward for them. I'd go for the educated foreign white women.
smart women are usually more full of themselves and judgmental. also i suck at conversation and don't give a shit what they have to say. dumb women can be like that too but it's more often smart women

:lol: You're one of the most egotistical and judgmental people on here. Although I guess I wouldn't expect anything different from someone whose brain fits in the tip of his dick.
I'm not intellectual and prefere chicks that are also braindead.
Intellectual women seem to be emotional. So I stay the fuck away from them.