Why women are dumb

What makes them top, and what's the science that supports it? What does top even mean? How much they enjoy themselves, their social status within a certain sphere, their psychological stability, physical health, financial stability, surveys of what women think "top" means?

Generally speaking it's going to be a confluence of genetic leg up (height, attractiveness), combined with or socioeconomic success, or the success alone. Usually the qualities that allow for success are present regardless, and are what launch one into success in respective areas. Discussing "success" can get very complicated, but attractiveness really isn't. I would assume you heard about this:


As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium.

I don't agree with everything the guy says, but I'm not about to attribute it to whatever beta stuff since he trashes the thinking that anyone is "better" than anyone else. One quote from the book is something like "real men don't concern themselves with what makes them real men to other people."

The first sentence and the second sentence do not go together. "Real men don't concern themselves with what makes them real men" because they are already doing what makes them "real men" - and therefore being better (usually). Insecurities flow from various deficiencies or at least unmet potential, whether actual or merely cultural. If you think many people are better than you, you're probably right - just maybe not about what thing they are better at/in/etc is. Everyone is better than many other people at something. Some people are better at many things than many people.

The points you made about the necessity of men I find solid, but I don't see how the fact that women can have penis envy cancels out men having womb envy. I think both exist.

If womb envy exists outside of transsexuals this is the first I've heard of it, and I've seen no supporting data for it, official or anecdotal.
I think we have different definitions of what "womb envy" means. I've met plenty of men that envy the position women have being sought after, bought things, being on the receiving end of sex and having less pressure on their performance, the list goes on. You can see plenty of it on subreddits like /r/mgtow and /r/mensrights. That's what I consider womb envy, not wishing they were women or that they had wombs and vaginas, but envying things they have for being women.

I'm not sure how you could scientifically prove anything that goes on in a person's mind. Our current understanding of how the brain is linked to consciousness is spotty. Without linking subjective phenomena to a physical medium that can be recorded and repeated in some way (like MRI scans), at best you have useful associations between reported subjective experiences and behavior. This is why I find psychology interesting, but don't think of it as science as much as physics or chemistry.

It's like how Sam Harris said you can try to record heart rates and watch levels of hormones to determine what a person is experiencing, but the association between those things and their subjective experiences relies on the experience being linked to a physical process. And even so, what we know of the brain is really complicated. Oxytocin is associated with hatred and aggression as well as love, same with how adrenaline can be associated with fear or excitement. So at this point in time, we are linking subjective experiences to physical processes because we don't yet have the knowledge to find out what a person is experiencing from looking at their brain and body to the level of knowing whether or not they have penis or womb envy.
As an aspiring psychologist I will agree social sciences are "soft".

Re: "womb envy". That's a poor name if what you mean is envy of female ease of getting laid/being under less pressure. Penis envy can include some non-penis specific things, but many women (even non-feminists) envy the penis itself - primarily for the ability to take a piss standing up.
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