Why women are dumb

Well, be happy most ain't too bright or getting laid would become much harder ;)

Well, be happy most ain't too bright or getting laid would become much harder ;)

For dumb men, yes. But I actually believe that there's a match for everyone. There's a lot of fucking people around.

All this sexist talk reminded me of the joke where a guy is outside shoveling snow or something and his wife shouts at him "come home Brian" and he asks "am I hungry?", she says "no, you're feeling cold".
I honestly think the average woman is smarter than the average man from my experience.

I remember reading a study last year that said, based on I.Q. tests, women occupy the median when it comes to intelligence and men occupy the extremes, resulting in more male geniuses than female geniuses but more knuckle-draggers too. Therefore women would on average be more intelligent than men.
I remember reading a study last year that said, based on I.Q. tests, women occupy the median when it comes to intelligence and men occupy the extremes, resulting in more male geniuses than female geniuses but more knuckle-draggers too. Therefore women would on average be more intelligent than men.

Wait what?
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I remember reading a study last year that said, based on I.Q. tests, women occupy the median when it comes to intelligence and men occupy the extremes, resulting in more male geniuses than female geniuses but more knuckle-draggers too. Therefore women would on average be more intelligent than men.

I don't understand your reasoning. For example

If all women had an IQ of 100, and half of men had an IQ of 50, and the other half of men had an IQ of 150, then men and women would have the same average IQ.

Although, that's not the case. It's a bell shaped curve for both men and women. Perhaps men have more extremes (a link would be useful?) but even if so that doesn't necessarily mean the groups have different averages.

1st one says "on average, men are more intelligent than women." several lines under the Einstein photo.

2nd one says men have a higher mean (average) IQ of 103 vs 101.

Sorry but this isn't looking good for your claim that on average women are more intelligent than men.
It's not my claim, I didn't even pretend it was my opinion, just something I read that seemed to relate to what Vimana said.

In my personal opinion I'd say it's uneven depending on how you define intelligence. Men and women are intelligent in different ways which seems to be what most data I see suggests.
Men and women are intelligent in different ways

Yeah I'd agree with that. I'd say that possibly women have a higher social intelligence on average. That's more difficult to measure. Maybe there's some psychological test or something. While clearly (I think) men are better at engineering and math on average, which is probably more in line with doing well on an IQ test.
Yeah I'd agree with that. I'd say that possibly women have a higher social intelligence on average. That's more difficult to measure. Maybe there's some psychological test or something. While clearly (I think) men are better at engineering and math on average, which is probably more in line with doing well on an IQ test.

I read somewhere someone explain it as women having higher "emotional intelligence."
I read an article several years ago that it came down to men being the evolutionary designated risk takers. Both in genes and action. Resulting in more smart/dumb men and more billionaire/incarcerated men also. Women on the other hand are more stable overall to provide a social backbone and not take risks and be able to procreate.
Women do not exist as a the fullest extent of human being. Instead porquoi they formulate a change in discern though shallowness and concietiality. They base their existence on an overly sexualized sensitivity to the specific sexual politics of the moment. How many men are in the room, how many women, how hot are each, hom feminist is the society, what shit hop video is on the television, etc. They avoid any kind of abstract or worthwhile thought and just try and stupify everyone with their stinking vaginas.

Reading this again, it is a perfect summary of a book I read only recently:

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Women tend to be analytical, thus the constant threats of your gf leaving you because she found a pink cupcake and you'd totally not eat something pink. Problem is they focus it on things like that instead of anything with substance. Or, if it is focused on something worthwhile, things get so overanalyzed they become repetitive and the data convoluted by circles. Risk taking also ties in here, most women won't just accept their first highly feasible result.
Women tend to be analytical, thus the constant threats of your gf leaving you because she found a pink cupcake and you'd totally not eat something pink. Problem is they focus it on things like that instead of anything with substance. Or, if it is focused on something worthwhile, things get so overanalyzed they become repetitive and the data convoluted by circles. Risk taking also ties in here, most women won't just accept their first highly feasible result.

I feel like women's intelligence is more socially tuned, while male is more for tool use and hunting. Obviously women also do those things and men also socialize, but each one does more of one.

So men tend to zoom in on the explicit things that can lead them to a certain conclusion, whereas women tend to take in loads of information and shuffle around all of the possibilities. I think in hunting, simple, straightforward rationality is the way to go, while in maintaining favor in your social group, you have to be aware of a bunch of possibilities at once (like when you want to say something to a group of people, but one person's gonna take it x way and you don't want them to, so you word it differently, but then another person is gonna take it y way, so you word it differently again).

Besides, early hominids were about three feet tall and other mammals were way bigger, so you had to be as logical as possible. If you left anything to chance, you could get stomped to death by some animal (the brute force of a three foot tall ape that is the weakest out of all apes doesn't do much against a 140+ pound wolf).

But then again, humans are pretty malleable behaviorally. Human males can be less violent than chimp females (who will murder each other's babies).

Anyways, I feel like this is why the typical miscommunications between the sexes I tend to hear are "why are women so complicated/crazy," and "why are men so stupid?" Men get mad that women don't see about the explicits of a situation, which leads to things like, "you're not ugly, I'm obviously into you." Whereas women get mad that men don't see the implications, like that how attractive they feel isn't necessarily about how attracted to them you are. (Yes this is from experience)
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Well the bit about facts vs emotions is an angle that has been beaten to death throughout history. It is often not that men are ignorant of emotional ramifications, they just find them unimportant. OTOH you can logically/rationally account for emotional impact, whereas emotionally driven people cannot emotionally account for logical rationality.