Why working at my job is so much fun


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Me [answering phone]: Hello [standard phone-answering spiel]
Caller: Hello? Um, yes, I'm just out driving and I can see a fire? I'd like to report it please
Me: Thank you, have you called Triple 0?
Caller: No, it's only a small one. Do I need to call Triple 0?
Me: Yes
Caller: Oh, ok then, I'll do that, thanks
Me: Thank you

Caller: Hello. Can you tell me where the nearest fire station is please?
Me: Where do you live?
Caller: Newtown (or somewhere like that)
Me: Well, there's a fire station in Newtown
Caller: Yes, but I want to volunteer for the bush fire brigade
Me: Well, there aren't any bush fire stations in Newtown
Caller: Oh. What's the closest one?
Me: Probably Sutherland or Blacktown
Caller: Oh. That's a bit far isn't it

Caller: Hello? There's a little fire by the side of the road here, can you send someone out please?
Me: Ma'am, you have to call Triple 0 to report a fire
Caller: But it's only a rubbish bin. I don't want to bother them.
Oh, I forgot this fucking gem:

Caller: Hello? Someone rang up from the Fire Service selling raffles tickets.
Me: That would have been the Fire Service Association, yes.
Caller: Oh good. Because it was last week, and I gave them my credit card number, so I was wondering if it's the real thing.
Me: Well, if it wasn't, they would have cleaned you out by now, you fucking idiot.
Why do you have to call Triple 0 to report a fire? Why can't you handle it (and when I say you, you know what I mean) directly?

This is a serious question for a change. No smart-arsery involved this time around. :)
It'll have something to do with management and actually getting the closest ones to the fire to deal with it, won't it? It helps when you stop and think about things....
You got it phloggy. We don't respond brigades from Head Office. The triple 0 call goes to Fire Brigade communication centre in either Sydney, Katoomba, Wollongong or Newcastle. They then pass the call on to the closest response centre to where the fire is.