The spoiled under 30 crowd.

Did anyone else get made to watch Behind The News at school? (I did, in primary school, but only ever when I was in NSW [84]). I didn't know it was still going :)
That show used to scare me, made me think the world was about to end. These days I don't really care if the world ends tomorrow, but back then I was concerned.
Yep, still on. Tuesday 10am and wednesday 10.30am
comming up this week is the stolen generation and sorry day as well as organ donor week
I used to watch a bit of the BTN a year or two ago when I found time in my not so busy schedule. The presenter was hot as.
Did anyone else get made to watch Behind The News at school? (I did, in primary school, but only ever when I was in NSW [84]). I didn't know it was still going :)

yup Richard Morecroft used to host it... in the 70's the ABC had " For Schools " Programmes, I remember watching them in Christmas Hols as we broke up 2 weeks before the rest of the state advanatge of living out WEST... true story hhahah