

IkiHorros Hypocrazy
Jul 20, 2003
Tamperkele, Tammerfrost, FIN
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Why do people need to have these daily rhythms???
If I really must stay up as late as this, WHY do I have to feel tired when I get up at nine o´clock or maybe ten o´clock???
Why can´t I just like sleep one hour and be as fresh and awake like after the sleep of nine hours or so ????!!!???
Faaa-ak. :erk:
And if I have slept all day, why can´t I get myself to fall asleep early?? If I have like again an early wake in the next morning...
I should be able to do these things! Life would be soooo much easier.
Maybe that is the reason.

This was pretty much me talking to myself but if there is some nice people ( yeah, right :) ) who would want to play a doctor and explain to me these things, then just feel free to do so.

(and I can just imagine what Hearse will develop from the "playing doctor"-thingy)thoo thoo.

So "good" night everyone.
IkiHorros kuittaa.
"Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and ... BORING!!!"
- Infectious Grooves

You just gotta deprive yourself outta that. It doesn't happen by going to sleep earlier, it happens why waking up pretty fucking early regardless of when you went to sleep. A couple days with 3-4 hour sleep is a small price of not having to toss&turn 3 hours before falling to sleep.

Unfortunately night is the best time of the day, so forcing oneself to do the deprivation isn't easy at all.
@DotNoir: So men don´t suffer from these things? Is that what you´re saying? Or are you saying that women complain for nothing or WHAT? :yell: :D :D

@Downfall: Why thank you! :) Here I am again, awake, about ten hours later from the previous message, or something. The morning hasn´t shown is´t mind to me yet.

Windom Pearl said:
"Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and ... BORING!!!"
- Infectious Grooves

(I´m sorry, I hate this myself also but I....just...must...groar...)


(aaarrgh.. that hurts.. :ill: )

Windom Pearl said:
You just gotta deprive yourself outta that. It doesn't happen by going to sleep earlier, it happens why waking up pretty fucking early regardless of when you went to sleep. A couple days with 3-4 hour sleep is a small price of not having to toss&turn 3 hours before falling to sleep.

Yes.. that I may have to make myself to do. But at the moment I have no responsibilities and so you can understand how hard it is. But I may get a job any day now, so I should be prepared.
And don´t get me wrong.. I am enjoying every minute of the time that I can just "be". A huge relief after the past year.
But the time is just passing by too quick when you wake up like 3 in the evening.

Windom Pearl said:
Unfortunately night is the best time of the day, so forcing oneself to do the deprivation isn't easy at all.

The best time!It is. It really is. I mean I didn´t think so like 4 years ago, but have now understood that sleeping sucks, and we should develop our species to the kind that would never have to sleep. But that could, if it wanted to.
Hearse said:
I fucking hate this heat!
It's 30 degrees inside my office!!!
its been 28-29 for two weeks in here at my work place and its 30.
Nice to come work when its 23 outside and 28.5 inside...
Then when I leave to home, its 30-35 outside... and about 40-50 in the sun...
This is torture! Winter, I call YOU!!!!
For fuck sake!
My so called "brains" are melting and my balls are boiling, the sperm is dying!

This is total torture, I agree. Not nice at all. But watching that picture beside my text may help a little :). Winter is the best season for obvious reasons. Fuck... and there is autumn in the middle. Well, it´s ok too.
Dark, rain and cool and then comes the snow. :dopey: In that I can dip my face again! Must do it every year.

Agg... must stop talking about this. It´s 30 degrees outside and
I am going to work BY BIKE. So I have died if you don´t hear from me anymore.
Oh, and I hope you are wearing very "airy" pants... if you know what I mean. :lol:

Hearse said:
Damn any advices?
Lumitalvi want to play doctor this time? :p
You still owe me 25€ ;)

There was a little piece of some advice so...hmm...
but I wasn´t playing a doctor, no, I was just trying to help out so stop bugging me! :) Besides I promised I wouldn´t talk to you anymore :D
Oh, and BTW... still looking for someone who could lend me some money..
( I´m just waiting for you to forget!! Räh! )
Hearse said:
Most certainly, though I would more rathely be german right now at wacken :cry:

But maybe we get to actually play there some "dark" day in the future, if we hide on Farmakon's personal gig plane :D

Mmm... " we get to play" ... and " if we hide on Farmakon´s..."
So you have a band too?? WAS?? am I a total torso here..?

Ohyeah... Wacken is now. Nää, there wasn´t much to see in my opinion.
Annihilator played a GOOD gig at Bang Your Head, would be nice to see them some time again. But A is like the only band that I would have REALLY wanted to see in Wacken. Oh, and was there Vintersorg too? that would´ve rocked.
But I have seen Hypo and my life is almost fulfilled! (the total fulfillment may occure at the end of October when they come to Finland)

no! I´m NOT repeating myself! :D Who said that?!
lumitalvi said:
But I have had my rest... two weeks in Germany and seeing Hypocrisy live (!!!!!). Jealous?? :p

nope, im gonna see them live on Nov 18th w/ dimmu borgir, nevermore, and children of bodom(!!!!!) :kickass::kickass::kickass:

now that is the kind of tours we need here in the US
thebigyetti said:
nope, im gonna see them live on Nov 18th w/ dimmu borgir, nevermore, and children of bodom(!!!!!) :kickass::kickass::kickass:

now that is the kind of tours we need here in the US

I´m gonna see them again when they come here in October and Helsinki too. Both gigs. Must see! :D
Veery good tour. Although Dimmu isn´t one of my favourites.
Hearse said:
Yep, a band called "Thales"... links are on my signature.
Marko even singed in our band once... but the we gave him the boot... cause he loves to give/get the boot so much :lol:

Ghah :). So I was a total torso. Well, had to make sure.
And what do you do in Thales?? Guitar?

Hearse said:
Annilihilator.. classic band.. I used to listen that in past, with Testament & Megadeth :headbang:

I have never REaLlY listened to Annihilator. Just some records sometime. But the gig still was awesome.
"in the past"... alright so how OLD are you ;) ?