And yes, I do like plenty of shit music, but I know and acknowledge it.
I find it really weird that you say this. What makes music "shit" to you, if you can like it and call it "shit" at the same time? lol
And anyways, I keep seeing this band get shit from people on here and fb. Occasionally, I speak up. And I think that's stupid on my part because I'm nowhere close to changing anybody's opinion. Heh
I don't really like Attack Attack..
I just don't like seeing people label music shit. Same as when you were getting on about Betraying the Martyrs.
Just feels like there's no respect at all and that sucks. But thinking that there should be total tolerance and respect in anything that involves human activity is definitely foolish.
Besides that, threads specifically made for the purpose of saying "how do these guys make money when their music is garbage?" are really pointless. I'm sure all the guys on here don't enjoy hearing about this as much as the OP.
I feel like the only thing this type of thread says to the forum members is "hey look at this shitty band making much more money than you. Let's criticize them for being stupid while we apply ass cream to each other to relieve the butthurt"
And the guys on here who make a good living doing audio engineering don't ever really show signs of caring about this type of stuff, as far as I've seen anyways.
And that pretty much sums up why I labelled it jealousy. I never said anybody was jealous because of the music they were making, but because they're making a living off of music.
There's a band I really don't like around my area called Take Charge because one guy has been a big asshole to me every time I've talked with him. And they're pretty well-known among the scene around here. And I get jealous because I feel like an asshole who makes, in my honest opinion, generic deathcore shouldn't deserve the popularity in the area.
Feels like the same situation. Although I stopped being butthurt about that a while ago because I knew the only way would be to just accept it and stop getting pissed for no reason.
I'm sure my train of thought is marvelous on this post. Not rereading anything to double check. lol
I also hate posting my opinions on this forum because they're so often disagreed with and I hate arguing with people.
So I think I should stop doing things like this