Thats just as stupid as the PC vs. Mac commercials that its playing off of.
Its a choice between the next generation of video game console and and a toy that makes you jump arond in your living room like an idiot.
Yes the Wii girl was hot, but thats the point, its a commerical.
Its like they think that people will buy their stuff just because of better advertising.
Wii = Less than half the price of the PS3, has awesome motion control and i own one!! Zelda TP is one of the best games i have ever played.
PS3 = Right now all the PS3 is really is an xbox360 that costs a few hundred more because it has a blu ray drive in it and blu rays not readily available yet so no one gives a shit about it. Most the launch games for PS3 look the same as they do on 360 and most of the games were already available on the 360 before the PS3 was released when most ppl assumed that the PS3 was more powerful. PS3 had one or two decent launch games (resistance: fall of man & new ridge racer) but they were nothing spectacular.
Hopefully this will all change in a few months when the PS3 gets some exclusive games that really show off what the machine can do and the console gets launched in the PAL territories and more units for Japan and the States so the yanks stop trying to kill each other just to own one.
We are no longer trying to kill each other to "own" one they aren't going for as much on ebay as they were before the holiday so no one cares to actually own it for the games or well I shouldn't say no one there are some who do the only game that came close to intrigueing me on that system was Resistance after talking to someone who owned it and said it wasn't all that great it doesn't leave me much hope for that system it does have a couple of exclusives but nothing that won't end up getting ported in the long run with that said I would much rather have a wii and possibly a 360
Yeah it is looking that way too Dumbass, Most ppl just want a PS3 for games, they dont really care about it being a multimedia machine and $600 is a lot of money to pay just to play games especially with Xbox live and the 360 being a lot cheaper and offering the same hi def quality gaming.
Some have already said the PS3 may go the way of the Dreamcast.
Sony is betting all it's money on BluRay...because putting all their money on Beta worked out so well for them.
Sony is betting all it's money on BluRay...because putting all their money on Beta worked out so well for them.
And SACDs and UMD.