Wildchild's Child

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Necro-Inverted Bassplayer
Mar 28, 2003
Quebec, Canada
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Okay, this thread is to imagine about Alexi and Kim having a child. So, i won't enter the process of making some baby, you should know it. But hey, imagine the Wildchild' Child!

First of all,if it would be a boy:

Soon born, soon batised in alcoohol. This baby don't cry, cuz he don't give a fuck if you hate him. After two month, he receive is first guitar. At 8 month, he play his first solo. But this guy isn't perfect at all. Alexi have to punish him because he punch a barkeeper who did not let him enter and drink Vodka.

Maybe a girl!

Born from the ases of moltren hatred, this cute little girl sing, as her mother. Because of complicated after birth, se got to hell and back, and now, at 1 years old, she go in the Sinergy's Japan tour and sing in duet whit Kim.This baby is a real bad girl, she's all dressed in black, and she do some guess apparence on some Warmen disk, Janne been very impressed of the 18 month years old singer.

and if the baby was a REAPER!!!

The doctor was the first one to realised it. Seem the new-birth wasen't ordinary. He had a strange, glowing red light in his eyes. It's a Reaer, the doctor screamed! Alexi was all surprised as well, but he still buy him a little scythe for his kid to have fun. But the unbelievebale happenned. The little family was in vacation on the Bodom Lake, when the lil' reaper saw some guy camping. He ran, and as well, Kim scream and try to catch him, but he arrived to the tent and kill everyone, and cut and mutilate the flesh, and on, and on, and again and again.

Wouldn't this be cool?
i just wanna say i DIDIN drink or use drug to write this, it just came out. I don't care 'bout Aleix and Kim having no children, It's their private life, i dont wanna enter there. It's just fun :p :lol:
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