Wildlife - No artificial reverb allowed

Feb 8, 2012
In the studio
I heard this album and thought it had a pretty cool vibe to it and I found this great article on the recording process:

Apparently, all reverb is natural and pretty much everything has room mics on it. Very admirable to go down that path these days I think, serves the music very well if you ask me. Anyone have any experiences doing a mix similar to this?

Here's a link for people (1080p quality available):

P.S. Please don't let this thread be about the band's music, I know this style isn't exactly popular among most sneapsters but try and look past it and focus on the production please :)
This album mixwise and songwise to me is just a step backward, the album before this (Somewhere at the bottom...) wasn't great mixwise to begin with but atleast the songs didn't plod on the same thing for the whole album. They did a quiet master for this album which initially I thought was cool but they're not really utilising to enough of an extent anyway. There are a few good tracks on this album but I think the artifical reverb thing is more of a novelty than how they envisioned it, noones gonna care what or how they did it if the outcome is below standard.

Check the album before this one, hopefully you'll agree :D
I think their last album is cleaner sounding and their newer one feels more 'live', for lack of a better word. I'm a sucker for ambience and reverb, I can see how you think their last is technically superior (and it is in some ways really) but I think the feel of this album is better for their music. The album sounds different than anything else out there at the moment with the big roomy sound and I think that's more important than achieving the most perfect mix in this sense.

I think both albums have songs that would work with some pretty wild dynamics that ended up squashed, so I agree they don't use the full extent of the dynamic range to their advantage. It's not like it's brickwalled or anything though at least I guess haha.
I prefer the previous album's production too (not to mention the songs which work much better live).

I'd disagree about the album having a unique sound, Mike Sapone (Brand New, The Xcerts, Crime In Stereo) popularised this sound a few years ago
I'd disagree about the album having a unique sound, Mike Sapone (Brand New, The Xcerts, Crime In Stereo) popularised this sound a few years ago

True, I didn't really express myself right. It's not that other albums don't have a roomy sound but I guess I mean no other album is going to have that exact same roomy sound, it's not like they just used a plugin that everyone can copy.