Will Frank ever tell his side of the story???


Dec 16, 2002
I wonder is we will hear from Frankie again about his departure from the band. We heard very little from him when he was a member of Anthrax as Scott and Charlie have always done the bulk of the band's interviews.

I just hope we'll hear from Frankie when he's ready but maybe that's wishful.
Well perhaps its a personal thing between the 5 of them (including John & Rob) ... perhaps its best left between them too. I hate it when bands air their dirty laundry in public.

I have just hated the shit that went down between Belladonna/Spitz v Scott and Charlie ... it just plain sucked to me. Not finger pointing at anyone either as I would rather have fond memories of all those guys producing some killer music that I grew up with. And hopefully I want to be able to do the same with Frankie.
to be honest i dont really care about frank leaving,it was a diff story with danny and belladonna though,those guys at the top of there game were hard shoes to fill.
I got to interview Frankie a couple of years ago - they had just finished recording a song for a TV show, then they had to soundcheck for a gig that night in Nottingham - the recording overran and they said they didn't have time to do an interview, nor even soundcheck. Half an hour later Frankie came out, really fucked off, but he was kind enough to give me an interview and he was cool as fuck about it. The guy will always be a star in my opinion!! Cheers Frankie!!