Will I need a DI box?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
So guys and gal(s) ?
Profire 2626 is on its way once my bursary comes through and I wanna be able to recording my amp and also a DI at the same time, can I do all this within the profire or am I gonna need a separate DI to split the signal?
So guys and gal(s) ?
Profire 2626 is on its way once my bursary comes through and I wanna be able to recording my amp and also a DI at the same time, can I do all this within the profire or am I gonna need a separate DI to split the signal?


You can either get a DI to split the signal or you can get a reamp box and go through the instrument input and then out of a line output to the re-amper to your amp.

I've actually been wondering if a dedicated DI would give you better results than the Profire instrument input, as on paper the Profire has better spec's than the DI's I was looking at:

Profire BSS AR-133 (£100) MTR DI-3 (£50)
Impedance 1Mohm 1Mohm 1Mohm
THD <0.0014% <0.005% <0.005%
Freq Res +/- 0.1dB 20-22K +0dB-1dB 30-20K +/-3dB 20-20K
Self Noise -108dB -105dB -100dB

So on paper at least, the Profire clearly wins on all aspects of performance, though obviously spec's aren't everything and really you would need to do a shootout to see how things sound. It does look like the Profire would capture the quietest most accurate DI signal though.
The "Inst" input is already a DI box built in, because it has an input impedance of 1 Megaohm.
But to record both direct signal and amp/mic/cab signal at the same time, you would need a splitter between your guitar and amp and the inst input.

Guitar > splitter
splitter > inst input
splitter > amp