Will Jeff Loomis be using 7 string guitars on the new album?

well, i prefer the 6 string stuff. But his 7 string stuff is better than any ive heard that comes to mind.

I would like to hear a mix of both, just to see what happens.
Originally posted by Trapped

That's why i mentioned Morbid Angel, they have seven strings, and they use them to their full potential, and it's great. :) I haven't got anything against 7 strings, only the way they were used in Dead Heart.
ok GREAT. i thought you were just a seven string hater in general. but now i see you just hate the poor use of it, as do i.
Personally, I like the 7 string. It adds another dimension to the guitar in the hands of a good player. Loomis is one of those. Other examples would be, oh I don't know, Steve Vai. Joe Satriani uses one on his new CD. And those two guys are awesome in my humble opinion.
I have a seven string, and it gets annoying sometimes. Especially with sweep picking......I wish my hands were bigger. But I'm still gonna keep it just in case.
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
now i need a 7 string just so i can piss all the Dead Heart haters off

Oh shut up you... you... uh... DEADSKINMASK!!!!! :lol:

I want a 7 string too, seven string solo's, and big stretch chords... fuckyeah!

Like i said OVER AND OEVER SDFASIUGW EPOVVOER AGAIN! I don't hate seven strings, i just hate DEAD HEART! :mad:
7 strings allow for more headroom. You can tune down a 6 string, drop some bass strings on it, and get just as low or lower than a 7. But then you lose headroom in the upper register of the guitar. The only problem I had with the 7 string on Dead Heart was the fact that the guitar was muddy. That has nothing to do with the extra string and everything to do with production.