Will Testament consider using 8 strings guitars pioneered by Meshuggah?


Nov 19, 2001
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I was just wondering whether the band had considered using those new 8 string guitars meshuggah is now using? The 8 stringers would provide a great bottom heavy sound- perfect for a follow up of The Gathering.
Yeah, fuck that! Maybe they listen to em, but Testament doesn't need to conform to anybody's idea of what sounds cool! Interesting question though.
I didnt mean testament should conform- just maybe explore this new possibility- as I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of results they would get from it. I d be surprised if someone in Testament didnt know of Meshuggah.
Who the hell even makes an 8 string?

10 string is pretty standard... BC Rich has been making them for a while and Jackson has made a couple.
I don't think Testament should or would do this. Meshuggah's music has just gone to that place or level where using 8 stringers actually has a place and reason. I don't think they'd fit the kind of music Testament makes.

Oh, the 8 stringers are called Nevborn, this is the site www.nevbornguitars.com

it's in swedish, and there's not really anything there yet.
Would there even be a need for an 8 string though?
I could see them maybe going with a 7 string (Like Nevermore did for Dead Heart, they still sounded like Nevermore but had a much thicker guitar sound) but even the 6 string stuff on The Gathering sounds crushing :D
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As far as Messhugah goes, I think they suck!
Thanks Hunger :D

Thats way easier than screaming and cursing at the screen like I usually do :)
Meshuggah sucks balls. I've never liked those guys. Never before has so many time changes left me yawning. I usually cream my pants over musicians music, but ever since I first heard these guys (whatever year Destroy Erase came out) they've bored me......

Testament should not have anything to do with the "who can go lowest" gimmick........