will the new N.G album have a lyrical concept?


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
is it going to be in any way related to the Breathing Shadow concept or is that stage of the band over now?
will there be a new concept? am i asking too much? is it supposed to be a surprise?

ok, i'll stop.
thx for the music ;o
Little Squish said:
it's about shadows and worms
You guys sure are helpful :p

Jim LotFP said:
I'm still waiting for the subtle lyrical link between Nightingale and Crimson.

You didn't know that the gypsy woman from Nightingale joined a monastery after the Breathing Shadow story ended? I thought it was common knowledge that she's the Mother from C2!
There will be no connection, except for one track "Still Alive" which will be the final tale of the breathing shadow. The rest of the lyrics will deal with other things, I worked this morning with a lyric about a person obsessed to find Atlantis. Another track "To The Very End" is about finding yourself and start believing in who you are and not let others decide who you are and what you should do.

This sounds great Dan. I love your lyrical concepts but its gonna be nice seeing Nightingale broaden their horizons a bit. This band has a great future. Looking forward to it.

I think they said probably near the end of 2004, if that, cause they're not recording til summer??
as usual i'm probably wrong, but just thought i'd offer what i remembered.
IAmEternal said:
I think they said probably near the end of 2004, if that, cause they're not recording til summer??
as usual i'm probably wrong, but just thought i'd offer what i remembered.
I think you are right...