I'm not sure if it's any use to specualte about the concept of the new album.
And Since Lazare is in charge of the lyrical concept, and he doesn't post here, I don't think we will get an answer.
The concept of the EP can be discussed, and I haven't really discussed it with anyone so I guess this would be a nice place to start out.
let me grab the booklet
the art work is similair to the full-length in terms of style.
giving a very deserted and anonymous(sp?)feel to me.
The lonely car parked on the parkingplace on the backside of the booklet.
The 4 people on the first page which are un-recognisable (anonymous)
The empty escalator on the last page.
that's the art, now the lyrics:
'Hell opened a new wing' is this to be taken literally, or as a metphor for an awfull egocentric state of mind that humanity has become in this society?
there are numerous hints to Hell and Satan:
'Sixth of June' (assuming 666 is still the number of Satan) June is also the sixth month of the year.
'Hellish Needs' seems pretty clear..
'Broadcasted at 6 o'clock sharp (reference to 6(66)?
Diabolos Daily/ Hell Gazette. (reference to hell)
'Sinfull shoppers of all ages and convictions' Sinners, (criminals?)
'sadly the CEO could not be there for the opening, although his spirit lay thick over the parking lot' Satan himself? or some Dictator/Worldleader?
Shamka, the Arab Clerk (Í have no clue about this)
Sulphur smelling (volcano(?) --> hot --> Hell(on earth)?
'Armed with starnge copper coins and charcoal checkbooks' Coins (materialistic) 'is not of this world?'
song 2:
'Would the parents of Seth Gibreel please come to the information point?'
References to the bible?
'Black Lamborghini Diablo' (pretty obvious)
'Registration number FF6-13' F is the sixth letter in the alphabet, making for 666-13 (13 number of bad luck)
'You are blocking the exit' People cannot get out of 'Hell' I s the owner of the car Satan?
'Devilishly Hot Coffee' Pretty obvious.
'Barbeque of their lives' Hellfire?
song 3:
numerous references to heat, and unbearable circumstances.. Sounds like hell to me
'The black expensive, streamlined car' The Lamborghini I assume?
the final liner note:
'It would not be long before the mall re-opened'
People don't learn from their misstakes, always commit sins?
So that's it.
Please give some response or thought about this, cause it took me some time to type this out