new album

I was joking actually... not that I have anything against an accordeon.. Some friends of mine used it for their last album and it sounded quite cool.. It was more the mental image of Rikard struggling with it that made me make that comment..
Lord of Metal said:
"I personally would love to see Rikard play the accordion.. :p"

Hey, what's wrong with the accordion? Lake of Tears used one on Forever Autumn, and it turned out amazing. :grin:
Don't forget when the fat guy from Moonsorrow plays his accordion on the Kivenkantajia album. There's just something about fat guys playing accordions that make me laugh.

By the way, I too want more cowbell. And for that matter I want Bruce Dickinson to get his ass over to Sweden or whever the hell Evergrey is recording their new album a.s.a.fucken.p!