Will you guys give me feedback on something?


Feb 6, 2008
My spare time lately has been taken up by tuning my virtual bass rig and tweaking the overall mix of the drum kit I have set up in the program Addictive Drums. So I think the kit sounds alright, but I've been listening to the same beats for a long, long time now.. and my ears are burnt. LOL So anyone who wants to rate the tone of the drum kit I set up in my sequencer, have a listen.. and tell me how you hear it, I am not a drummer so I may be missing something or over pumping something... Thanks

The toms are the only real thing that jumped out at me as sounding off, they sound somewhat mushy and dead. The kick and snare aren't bad, the cymbals sound a bit loud in the mix. I think with a bit of tweaking on the toms and overall kit level you'll be good to go.