William Murderface listens to Woods of Ypres.

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

See the long list of mostly depressive, suicidal, self-hating black metal and doom bands under 'Music', which happens to include Woods of Ypres.


:lol: :kickass:
Whatdya mean beer ain't food? I'd rather cut off my ding-dong than admit that.

On a related note, "Thunderhorse" is pretty fun to play on Guitar Hero II.
It seems Nathan Explosion also listens to woods.

Check out his music list.


Hah! Awesome! :cool:

Surprisingly, comparisons between Nathan Explosion and myself have been made numerous times…. Even before I puked blood.

"Awww, Blood Puke! Good song title!"

Trows - And since Brendon small seems to be a fan, get in contact with him to try and get a cameo in Season II.

Yeah, Dethklok has yet to visit Canada. They could have an episode full of Canadian cliches where they come to Toronto to play a disorganized show at a small club with 9 local opening bands. Muderface would eat some pancakes, visit the CN tower, etc... :heh: