will's neighborhood is wierd

zero... we haven't even got it mixed and mastered yet. the fuck that was supposed to do it bailed on us after 3 months of ignoring us. gonna have to send it to a guy in north Jersey to do it... we'll get it back within a few days, then we ship it off to get manufactured. the whole ordeal is pissing me off, seeing that we recorded it back in July and it's not finished yet. it should have been completed back in August, artwork and music... but this bastard screwed us over. shouldn't be much longer until it IS done, though.

i'm not a big "superhero" fan, actually. Batman, Spiderman, Catwoman, Daredevil, etc. doesn't really appeal to me. i'm more of a "people chopping up other people, eating them, dying, come back to life, and eating more people" fan