"Windmill" headbanging!


Here is Nowhere
May 13, 2007
Figure this place would be a good place to post this. Last time I went and saw Amon Amarth I headbanged so much I could barely move my neck for 3 days (not kidding), and that was a 45 minute show! With them coming back, I have to ask...how they hell do the windmill so fucking much without breaking their necks?? Is there a trick to this type of headbang? I've got 90 minutes to snap my fucking head off in less 2 weeks. Any advice would be helpful :).

just do it a lot.
It's just tolerance. I remember the first time I did it I was dizzy as shit.
Yeah, I think you have to practice and build up to it... because it's some crazy shit when they get it going! I can't get my hair to do that.
It is said that the vikings use to circle headbang before battle as homage to Odin to symbolize the wind created from the wings of the raven. This obviously was handed down from generation to generation, imbeding it into their genetics. Since the guys in Amon Amarth are direct decents, it's really just an unfair advantage.

Oh plus it's tolerance.

Check it out in action here:

Really? I thought they just built up neck muscles giving eachother fellatio during those long, long nights at sea :p
gawd i remember the first time i tried to headbang while playing my guitar... i dropped the pick and drooled all over myself.

it's like riding a bike though...
My only advice is: do not headbang or windmill and drink.

As for the rest, it comes with practise. I usually go along with the drum.

Don't headbang and drink?! Thats like telling me...not to headbang and drink! They go hand in hand I think :heh:.
you gotta use your muscles in shifts kinda... start out headbanging for a couple minutes, then when your neck gets tired start thrashing from the waist up, then when that gets tired start jumping in place along with the music, and get a rotation going.

that's probably why every muscle in my body hurt after the gojira/behemoth show last month though.