Windows 7 - which antivirus?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I haven't had to use an antivirus for years (Mac FTW!), but now that I'm venturing into the PC world again, I'm assuming I'll need one?

Which would you guys say is the best at the moment? All I remember from my Pc days are Macaffe and Norton, though I'm sure some better options have popped up since then.

I guess what I need is something stable, small CPU footprint (if possible), convenient interface, etc. etc.


The new f-secure is a beaut. Extremely low footprint now and very nice to use. Keeps your AV, Firewall & spyware catcher all in one which is good. Obviously, it is payware and I only have it because I can get it free from my company. Other than that, AVG is king and your best freeware configuration option is AVG, PC tools firewall and spybot search and destroy.
I liked that Avast didn't give me a daily pop-up but it also misfired and missed some stuff so I went back to Avira which has been keeping my system absolutely clean for about a decade now.
AVG, though I will say in all the years I've been using a PC (besides the Windows 95/98 era ofc,) I've never once needed an AntiVirus. It's all about being smart with what you download ;)
I haven't had to use an antivirus for years (Mac FTW!), but now that I'm venturing into the PC world again, I'm assuming I'll need one?

Which would you guys say is the best at the moment? All I remember from my Pc days are Macaffe and Norton, though I'm sure some better options have popped up since then.

I guess what I need is something stable, small CPU footprint (if possible), convenient interface, etc. etc.



kaspersky internet security!
anti virus, firewall, spam filter etc.
doesn't need much resources.
it's commercial, but it's worth the money (should be about 50$ for one year) IMHO.

AVG, though I will say in all the years I've been using a PC (besides the Windows 95/98 era ofc,) I've never once needed an AntiVirus. It's all about being smart with what you download ;)

That is complete horseshit.

Viruses/trojans/worms do not just come through file downloads.

to name ONE from a massive list of remote exploits that do not require the user to actively download a file but instead can be gleaned from simply browsing page which can easily be hidden as an iframe redirect on any web page.

I hate this uninformed shit people speak about "I am careful what I download so I don't need security packages".
Thanks for the replies fellas! It seems Bitdefender and Kaspersky are rated the highest. I don't mind paying really, I just want something solid.

That is complete horseshit.

Viruses/trojans/worms do not just come through file downloads.

to name ONE from a massive list of remote exploits that do not require the user to actively download a file but instead can be gleaned from simply browsing a file.

I hate this uninformed shit people speak about "I am careful what I download so I don't need security packages".

You're making this hard dude LOL. I would love another Mac, but the studio I'm interning at is almost entirely PC and uses Nuendo as their software of choice. Granted, I can still get Cubase or Nuendo for my Mac, but I'd like to get comfortable with the key commands of the PC platform.

You're making this hard dude LOL. I would love another Mac, but the studio I'm interning at is almost entirely PC and uses Nuendo as their software of choice. Granted, I can still get Cubase or Nuendo for my Mac, but I'd like to get comfortable with the key commands of the PC platform.


Macs/Linux/Windows are equally vulnerable to these attacks.
This is just one of many attack vectors that can be utilised against a system and ANY OS, regardless of it being Apple, MS or *NIX is vulnerable in some form or another.

Not taking security precautions, even if you log in once a week to check email is fucking stupid, irresponsible and puts the rest of us in jeopardy.
Macs/Linux/Windows are equally vulnerable to these attacks.
This is just one of many attack vectors that can be utilised against a system and ANY OS, regardless of it being Apple, MS or *NIX is vulnerable in some form or another.

Not taking security precautions, even if you log in once a week to check email is fucking stupid, irresponsible and puts the rest of us in jeopardy.


Joe, many of the big players in the Antivirus market perform at a somewhat comparable level so you might just check some demos out to see which package you like the most.

Some have a slightly better detection quota (like Panda Cloud Antivirus) others drain less resources/are faster (like Avast or Avira).

If you're just looking for an Antivirus, one of the big free ones will do just fine.

Even Microsoft's own and free Security Essentials has gotten good reviews for a solid detection quota (and is super easy to set up while being unobtrusive).

Have fun with Win 7!
Kaspersky, by far.

Had a feeling you were going the PC/Nuendo route for Bendeth's thing - do you know what versions of Windows/Nueno he's running, bychance? There is seriously like fuck-all information about that guy and his workflow. :lol:
Kaspersky, by far.

Had a feeling you were going the PC/Nuendo route for Bendeth's thing - do you know what versions of Windows/Nueno he's running, bychance? There is seriously like fuck-all information about that guy and his workflow. :lol:

Yep, that would be the reason good sir! Granted, I know fuck all about editing at the moment - I was ready to call it quits in this game until they called me...but there is plenty of time to learn (both in and out of the studio...when there is down time I'm fiddling with Nuendo).

They are currently using Nuendo 4 I believe. I haven't seen any editing or mixing yet though, but I did sit in on an overdub session with Bendeth, the guitar player of a band they are recording, and their assistant engineer!

It was a trip to discuss his '67 clyde mccoy wah with him. I've only been there a couple times so far, but it has been quite cool just to have the exposure. Sat down and had dinner with a few of em as well. Basically I'm just trying to stay in there as long as possible, establish a good rapport, and to soak up as much info. and to learn as much as possible.

What a cool ass place too! The live room alone has a tiki bar and dinner table, hahaha.

Oh I'm sorry Jeff, for Windows I'm unsure. It looks like 7 but could be Vista. I'll check next time I'm there. I'm also not sure if all the systems are running the same version.
