Windows XP

Sep 1, 2001
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does anybody have this program? do you like it???
does anybody know where i can get some desktop themes for windows xp. i looked all over but couldnt really find anything. i want the specialized desktop themes that i know they have for it. thanks.
Just got new computer with Windows XP Professional. I like it, but I still have a lot to learn - and I have done no customization yet.
I'm using XP Professional right now. Great OS, too bad they had to put in that annoying Product Activation crap. I'm a computer nerd, so I change hardware fairly frequently and don't want to have to call them. I don't know where to find themes, though. I just reset it to look like Windows 2000 'cause I don't like the new look. If you have any configuration questions, I might be able to help with those, though.

Damn...I fucking hate Windows XP. My family recently got a computer with Windows XP, (Pentium 4, 256 MB of RAM, 1.7 GHz), and the damn thing runs twice as slowly as other computer in this house, (Pentium 3, 128 MB RAM, dont remember how much MHz...far lower than the other), which is on Windows 2000. Not only that, but the computer works worse with direct proportion to the amount of time it's been on. Seems that the speed decays exponentially. I don't know what about the OS does that, but it's a beast. Also, the interface is annoying as hell. It's like Windows for idiots. It babys you through everything.

That's my bash of the night.
I'm using XP but I don't know anything about it. My housemate works in the computer industry so he's always upgrading. I guess it's ok but the start button looks a bit childish. A big green thing...
well, come on, Tyrant: just the baseline O/S runs 2 gigs, probably more: the amount of memory needed to run all those programs would be absurd. Even on a 1.7ghz.

My friend was at the XP convention, and he and i both agree it's a piece of crap. there are really no good features, and a lot of fluff.
For the week+ I've had it - I like it. I went from a PII 266 w/96mb ram running WIN98 to a P4 1.8Ghz w/512mb ram running the XP Professional.

The comparison is night and day - and everything seems to zip. I do agree that, as usual, windows is the AOL of operating systems - attempt for pretty packaging and lots of "extras" to enhance the experience. Too bad I just want to turn my computer on, have internet/e-mail, and run a few programs.

At least for now I have a better internet experience, and NHL2002 is the bomb.
I have Win98 SE at the moment, and downloaded both Win2k Server and XP. I wasn't sure which I was going to install. I wanted to eventually install Linux, which would be fine with either. I think I may install XP though since I have heard good things about it. I mainly just want more stability and speed than 98 has to offer. I just have to back up all of my files first, which is a bitch. :rolleyes:

I will agree with TyrantOfFlames in the babying and guiding you through everything. That's what I've read about it so far. I read that they make things so easy that it can be confusing. So, hopefully it won't be a waste. If so, I'll just install Win2k. :lol:
stay with win2k, it seldom crashes and is quite comfortable. if you're one of the paranoid type, it has enhanced security features compared to w98 and ME. if this isn't enough, try linux :)

but the most important thing i learned through my 13 years of active computing: never change a running system!

It doesn't really matter if you like XP or not. In a few years time we'll all be forced to use it anyway - such is the sad state of affairs in the OS market today, where competition is virtually non-existent and Microsoft dictates what we can and can not use. Let's hope other operating systems (like the ever developing Linux) can make up ground and provide some real alternatives.

Okay, who wants to discuss how to create complex batch files and edit the Windows registry... :loco: :err:
win2k is pretty good, which is why i run it on my main machine.
i haven't really tried xp yet but from what i've seen and heard, it's not that great

the only real reason i run windows at all is for gaming.
i wish directx or something like it were developed for the unix variants to entice game developers to write games for them, then i wouldn't have to use windows at all.
too bad they had to put in that annoying Product Activation crap
Seems like Microsoft WANTS US to go into warez and download a hacked version...well what can one do :D

My family recently got a computer with Windows XP, (Pentium 4, 256 MB of RAM, 1.7 GHz), and the damn thing runs twice as slowly as other computer in this house, (Pentium 3, 128 MB RAM, dont remember how much MHz...far lower than the other), which is on Windows 2000.

Fact: XP eats rams like potato chips.
Fact: Ram is incredible cheap right now
Solution: pump it to 512mb or more and you would see a great improvement, but still its more robust than win2k because the LUNA interface and stuff like that eats up resources. Still while i totally agree about not fixing something aint broken in the pcs world, The XP will probably outweight 2k with compatibility in the years to come maybe sooner, and chances are RAM its never gona be this cheap so enjoy while it last and pump more ram.
Im aware its not a constructive solution to just buy more ram but hell if you want an ultimate operative system solution that aint happening, you can try linux but you are gonna feel sorry when that next big thing game hits stores and you are within the confines of linux.

Its a battle that we will never win, nor should we try.
XP = tacky.

I am running 98 SE on my own computer and it does everything I need. I won't be upgrading anytime soon.

This computer (belonging to my housemate) has XP on it and I don't know the technical specs but I wouldn't bother upgrading for what seems to be a new power hungry interface... :err:
FACT:It is the interface that is sucking up all the ram.
FACT: You can turn it all off! There isnt single special effect that you cannot turn off!
SOLUTION: Turn em off!! :p

I have been running XP for some while now, you can get anything to work in it.. any old game you'd like.. It is far more stable then previous windows systems.. It handles the Ram far better then any other windows OS..

That is my experience of win XP.. And i'm running celeron 502Mhz, 256mb sdram.. It works fine... :p
I have windows 98, and i see no reason to upgrade. The newer operating systems just add a bunch of annoying crap that slows down the computer.

I am a big gamer and when i installed win2000 games went painfully slow, so i put win98 back on, and now everything runs beautifully.

I heard that if you play the
Windows XP CD-ROM backwards,
you'll get a satanic message.

But the most frightening thing
is that if you play it forward,
it installs Windows XP!
Originally posted by _Transparent_
ive got windows 98, but i heard windows XP is meant to be unhackable, but then i also heard that hackers have already hacked into it or whatever.

I got a hacked copy of XP from a hacker friend of mine.....The big issue with XP is that you have to verify your serial number online so that a CD/serial number only works on one computer...The hacked version of XP professional that is floating around was hacked/stolen/whatever they do with it before the online activation feature was a result, there is no online product activation...and the CD is fully functional to install it...

I installed it, and quickly returned to 98. It looks nice, but everything is so integrated into the internet, and for someone with a dialup connection at home, i don't wanna lose functionality b/c i am not online...and it's a hacked copy, if Microsoft does what they are planning to do and have frequent upgrades because its easy to do with XP, I don't wanna get screwed 2 years down the road b/c my hacked copy/serial number isn't upgradable....I don't know....just my thoughts...
fact is, there is nothing unhackable and will never be. you could download the german cracked version over a month before the official release! not long ago a game came out said to have a copy protection which "degenerates" the game until it's not playable anymore... at first accuracy loss at aiming (it's a first person shooter called operation flashpoint), later on fatal game crashes. that's all total nonsense.
coming back to xp - enterprises and retailers get a different version of the software where they only have to enter a serial number... no hardware recognition and things like that (would be unpracticable for a company with hundreds of workstations). this versions make their rounds now through the net.