Winds of Plague, deathcore, and "scene" metal: Some questions

Terminator X

New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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I had never heard of Winds of Plague, deathcore, or "scene" metal until recently. I was at FYE, seeing if they had anything I wanted (they didn't), and I saw the most recent WoP album. I had never heard of the band, but the cover was so cool. The band name sounded like a crappy metalcore band, the album name sounded like a generic power metal album, but the cover art looks like some awesome rehash NWOBHM band. I made a mental note to check out some songs on youtube. Which I did. Wasn't the worst stuff I've ever heard, but certainly wasn't into it. Shame, since the cover art was so cool.

I then checked out some reviews of their albums on Amazon, and saw a lot of mentions (and disdain for) an apparent super trendy deathcore sub-genre, and "scene" metal, and how much it sucks.

What are some general attributes of deathcore? Or what other bands fall into this category?

And what the hell is "scene" metal? I mean, there's the metal scene...which I guess, if you go to metal shows on a regular basis in your area, you are automatically a part of, right? So what differentiates this?

Just curious really, as I had never heard of any of this.
Winds of Plague is sooo fucking...

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