
Winds is excellent. Especially Reflections of the I is stunning, but I like Of Entity and Mind EP as well. I've heard that Winds is some kind of "all-star" line-up like Arcturus. Well, what can I say? They play very well. ;)
hellhammer's on drums, I know thta much.

yeah i have of entity and mind EP, its really good, but in a way disappointing, cant really put my finger on it. Id love to hear the full length though, whats it like in comparison to the EP?
It's much better. The EP is not representative really, the new one kicks ass and is much more complete in every way.

Don't judge it just cause of the EP because then you will miss out on the great full length, and that would be a loss because it's one of the greatest albums this year.

I ordered this from The End and I got it just a few days later, and I think it was only 11 bucks too, so its definitely worth every cent.

Recommendation is seconded.
I liked the EP alot as well, though it is very different... The EP had a more progressive metal vibe (though it wasn't progressive by any stretch), while the new one is like classical music with metal instrumentation (and orchestral back up)