
Well, i'm listing to a sample from their latest album, and i am impressed.:grin: i really like their style. i will invest in their music for sure!;)
Has anyone got the whole Winds album? I only listened to the sample offered at The End Records. And I really like it. I'd like to know how the rest of the songs are. Is the sample representative?
Thanks! I've been meaning to get it. And now that I have a couple of thumbs up (not that they guarantee I will actually like the album)...
Originally posted by Somber Soul
Has anyone got the whole Winds album? I only listened to the sample offered at The End Records. And I really like it. I'd like to know how the rest of the songs are. Is the sample representative?

id say it does Reflections of the I justice, but mabey not of Entity and Mind..there is less strings, more piano and softer vocals on that album

either way, Winds is amazing :notworthy
Originally posted by Mocika
a great Norwegian band formed by ex-In The Woods members
Actually, In The Woods... was formed by ex-Green Carnation members, who have since become ex-In The Woods... members and are now re-ex-Green Carnation members, except X Botteri who left again (ex-ex-Green Carnation member), who was replaced by the other ex-In The Woods... guitarist, who actually was never in Green Carnation in the first place, so he's just a Green Carnation member, not a re-ex-Green Carnation member...... :err:

:grin: :p :p

I only have their first album, but I love it (X Botteri rules!)