
Vicious Robbie

Faithful Neon Dreamer
Holy cow!! After the letdown that it was "IV" for me, I actually thought that Kip had ran out of ideas and the band was ready to fade out into the sunset. Karma completely erased that notion to me as it kicked my ass in a serious way!!:OMG:

This is a riff driven album that doesn't try to invent the wheel or try new stuff. Just a good melodic metal album with a little bit of the sleaziness of the first record and a contemporary sound. I loved their Pull album and this sounds like the obvious continuation. The album is short but when the material is this good...who cares! The fast rocking title track kicks things off in great fashion and the punch of Stone Cold Killer follows promptly. Big World Away has one those wonderful choruses that stick in your head. Always Within Me starts a as a ballad but then it gets into the heavier side of things with an emotional outro solo from Reb. Beach is a monster on this record and he is given room to shine. The whole band is clicking and Kip's voice is as strong as ever.

If you were dissapointed by IV...have no fear. Karma will put a smile on your face and get your feet going. Rock on!:rock:
This has always been an up and down band for me. WI was good, WII was a total wimpout. I LOVED Pull, the riffs were awesome. IV left me pretty indifferent. So by that pattern, Karma should kick ass again.
I don't know if you have seen the live DVD from The Galaxy in Santa Ana? You might want to pick that DVD up, I had a review copy of it that I watched a couple of times. I eventually gave it away to a die hard fan. Reb and Kip put on a great show, they are dead on. I wasn't a huge fan of their entire back catalog. For me one of the highlights was them doing "In Cognito."
In the old days, iTunes Canada would have had it available. I guess they are sticking to the NA date. It is only available as a pre-order.