Lingerie kicks so much ass, and that picture puts me in the mood for a Christmas Choke.
NicodemiX, looking at Fender Jazz basses is like looking at any other bass: if it feels good do it. Good luck with a used one, the 1978 Jazz that I want costs $3,000 in good condition.

But like, yeah and stuff, the Fender Jazz Standards are pretty good, and are around $400 US. The American Series are much better, but now cost almost $1,000 (when I bought my American Standard P it was only $600 and the standards were $300, there was a huge difference for not much cash, oh well).
Loot: leather jacket, LotR RotK DVD gift set, Simpsons season 4 DVD, a harmonica, a knife, some binoculars, some lego thing, some candy, some -35 degree socks, Nabokov's Pale Fire, Kitchenaid mixer thingy, and some other stuff.