Winter is coming

I hate Winter. As a child, I loved it. Now, HOPE!

It makes me depressed and unmotivated to do anything outside. Getting home from work and it's already dark and dreary out.

But we've only gotten a dusting or 2 here so far.
That is how winter should look like. Everything covered in a layer of nice white snow. Lucky me it's only a five minute walk to work. Maybe 8 when there is snow. Always funny to hear how traffic becomes chaos here when there is only 3 cm of snow. While at other places there is like 20 cm all winter.
holy shit that's cold :lol:

We're having a really really pussy ass winter right now, especially since last year was pretty hardcore.
Not as heavy as your's though...we had like -18°C in the colder spots or so (no Idea how the felt one was).
And right afterwards, the most fucking melting summer ever (actually 6th hot since 17something)...had like +33°C at night in my room. Blearg.

So I'm not really mad about the lack of freezing and snow around here :D
Altho it does fuck with your head if theres like +12 during day and -6 or so in the morning and night.
Monday was -40 below with wind chill here in southern ontario. Schools are closed just because of the temperature.
schools closed here too, Monday/Tuesday. -17 at noon on Monday. it was so cold at night this past weekend, you could hear the rafters in my roof creaking... scary. never head that before in the 20yrs i've lived here.
And it's like +5 C and raining water here. Apparently the "canceled winter" or some shit because the first winter weather we had was just a false start. Otherwise I'm pretty fine with this, but it's lame how dark it gets without any snow.
And it's like +5 C and raining water here. Apparently the "canceled winter" or some shit because the first winter weather we had was just a false start. Otherwise I'm pretty fine with this, but it's lame how dark it gets without any snow.

Same here in the UK, barely seen frost this year which is really unusual.