Winter Kill


Worst New Comer
Quite few years back I picked up a cd by a band called Winter Kill. The album was called A Feast for a Beggar. It quickly became one of my favorites in my very large collection. The band did a second album which I also have somewhere, I can't remember the name of it though but it was also very good.

Then suddenly they disappeared. A damn shame too. Thought they would have been around a bit longer. Anyone know of anything about this band?
Funny that you knew Winter Kill and not Slauter Xstroyes. I highly recommend that you look into them, possibly Energy Vampires as well.
the song from that was the best. If it's all like that it'd be worth getting. Probably not gonna seek it out, but if I run into it in a used cd store I'll pick it up based on the assumption that anyone on this forum probably has decent taste (a very flawed assumption, but thus far it's worked).