Winter pics

Mike Sickle

Digital Ninja
Nov 7, 2006
London, ON
In keeping with the spirit of the soon to be released Woods CD, I thought I would start a thread where we can post pictures of winter in our areas.

Moncton (which happens to be above the 45th parallel hehe) just got hit with a crazy storm. I'm not sure the exact amount of snow, but if I had to guess, I'd estimate we got about a foot overnight. I took pics :

It's pretty crazy, getting all that snow over night, the snow banks around parking lots in some areas are way over your head. I'm originally from Windsor, ON so seeing a winter like this, we don't get these types of storms back home hehe.

Let's see pics of winter in your area! :headbang:
It's a bit warmer where I live so the epic winter sights are few and far between... Here is a shot from an ice storm I had last season.. It was a photographers dream! Black metal on the iPod and a Canon in my hand! \w/
Pics from last year. Fort Mcmurray, Alberta. The only nice looking places are outside the city.

This was a bad year to go four wheeling.

I'll post some better ones when I go out next weekend. Work has kept me busy and unable to take pictures.
These are last year as well, after it rained, and then froze beautifully.





It was like almost 50F by me yesterday. It snowed here like twice, only one of the times getting a light covering but it was gone by the next day. The only thing that's winter by me is that most days it's cold out.