Wireless in ear monitoring (for gigs)


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom
Hey guys, my band have recently begun playing live gigs and we're considering in ear monitoring to play to click tracks.

What are some of the better ones that you could recommend? I've been looking a some of the Takstar models but they're getting fairly mixed reviews, but this is pretty much because they're fairly cheap.

I don't mind spending for quality but I don't have a lot of disposable income, which is the problem.


Shure PSM200 system is what we use. You can run all the band off of one transmitter and just add extra receiver packs for just under $300.

Transmitter + Receiver:

Receiver pack:

I would never go back to using shit wedges again, especially since we run our guitars through AxeFXII directly and I don't trust not having reliable monitors for it! Click, backings, guitars, etc all premixed and sent to our wireless in ear.

However, this system is mono and kind of on-a-budget. I've never had any experience with any other WIEM, but I know these work without fail every night. We'll upgrade eventually, but for now we have everyone in the band on them for under $2000!
I use this:http://www.carvinguitars.com/products/EM900

with a pair of these http://www.shure.com/americas/products/earphones-headphones/se-models/se315-sound-isolating-earphones

The Carvin is great for the money, but the stock ear buds are crap. I went with the Shures because they're comfortable and I got a deal on them. I wanted to go lower-budget to get used to using IEM's and to make sure I liked using them before I dumped a lot of cash into a pair of custom molds. I'll probably upgrade the wireless to one of the top-end Sennheisers, but I'm in no rush as the Carvins have been really reliable so far.
The SE315's are really good! We use the 215's since they only cost $100 and still get the job done. Not great at staying in the ear though, still looking for a solution to that (besides getting a custom ear fitting)
I am using Sennheiser EW 300 G3 and I am really happy with it.
The batteries last very long, I never had any dropouts and it is simple to use.
Before I bought the G3 I used the G1 series which is also nice but 9v blocks are crappy, expensive and you could not see when the batteries are low. You just got an annoying sound and then it shut down. :(
I have to say that the G3 is a little more noisy than the G1 series which annoyed me at first but in a real live situation you won´t notice that.