

guitars must be loud
Sep 18, 2003
Benztown, Germany
I had a cool "what if" discussion couple nights ago.
And I'm kind of bored right now, so I thought why not post this.

The discussion was about how some of our favorite bands from
back in the days just end up making boring/wierd sounding albums or having
a dramatic style change.

And on top of our list we had Metallica. Since the "Load" album me and
my friends are in some kind of shock, 'cause we just don't know how to
handle the new Metallica (I guess we're just a bunch of blockheads or
something LOL ). Cutting hair and all that wasn't a topic at all, just music.

To make a long night short, here's what we ended up with:
Metallica needs show Bob Rock the highway and call for Andy Sneap.

What do you think?
I was actually one of like three fans who never jumped on the sellout/Bob Rock-bashing bandwagon. I thought there was some good stuff on Load/ReLoad. Obviously they weren't Master or Ride, but they weren't as bad as some would say IMO. I think they kinda needed to do something different when they brought Bob onboard, and I think he helped. Bear in mind, the songs were already all written and demoed months before they entered the studio with Bob, so his contributions weren't on the creative end as much as bringing the best out of what they'd already written in terms of sonics, tempos, etc. So I think he kinda gets a bad rap.

HOWEVER...that was before St. Anger. I do place a lot of the blame for that debacle on his shoulders. Not just because of the sound of the album and all that obvious stuff, but because I think he kinda pushed them into working from a "jam-band"/improv mindset, and I'm sorry but that just doesn't work for Metal bands IMO. It takes thought, structure, planning, and hard work. I think a lot of what we hear on St. Anger, production aside, is the result of this, "Hey, just come up with any old riff off the top of your head, jam on it for awhile, and it will be GREAT!!! That's TRUE creativity!!" mindset.

So yes, I would LOVE for them to work with Andy. :)

In case anyone here never heard my St. Anger Tribute from a year or so ago, you can check it out here.

In case you're wondering how I so closely duplicated the snare sound from that album, I revealed that secret here.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great stuff Matt!

Like I said to some of my friends, i couldn't get a snare to sound that awful even if i did it on purpose, no matter how hard i would try,there's just no way a $500 dollars snare sounded like that.... :loco: :yuk:
Matt Smith said:
I was actually one of like three fans who never jumped on the sellout/Bob Rock-bashing bandwagon. I thought there was some good stuff on Load/ReLoad. Obviously they weren't Master or Ride, but they weren't as bad as some would say IMO. I think they kinda needed to do something different when they brought Bob onboard, and I think he helped. Bear in mind, the songs were already all written and demoed months before they entered the studio with Bob, so his contributions weren't on the creative end as much as bringing the best out of what they'd already written in terms of sonics, tempos, etc. So I think he kinda gets a bad rap.

HOWEVER...that was before St. Anger. I do place a lot of the blame for that debacle on his shoulders. Not just because of the sound of the album and all that obvious stuff, but because I think he kinda pushed them into working from a "jam-band"/improv mindset, and I'm sorry but that just doesn't work for Metal bands IMO. It takes thought, structure, planning, and hard work. I think a lot of what we hear on St. Anger, production aside, is the result of this, "Hey, just come up with any old riff off the top of your head, jam on it for awhile, and it will be GREAT!!! That's TRUE creativity!!" mindset.

So yes, I would LOVE for them to work with Andy. :)

In case anyone here never heard my St. Anger Tribute from a year or so ago, you can check it out here.

In case you're wondering how I so closely duplicated the snare sound from that album, I revealed that secret here.
Holy shit, you're the one that did that? Last year when I was visiting NYC, me and my friend Brian would listen to that for hours laughing our asses off.
Matt, I heard about this Metallica B side you have posted here.. Do you have the other ones? They are so amazingly well done! Post the rest if you have them please!

Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Turn off the bottom wire and turn up the drive.

VOILA: Metallica Snare Sound

The sound of Laars' snare fits him well....he sucks royally and he always will. He deserves to play on a "Folgers can" sitting on top of an empty propane tank like the ones used on St. Anger. Isn't that what they used?? ;) Laars is a fucking poser. Metallica blows (now). :err:
Enmity said:
Matt, I heard about this Metallica B side you have posted here.. Do you have the other ones? They are so amazingly well done! Post the rest if you have them please!


Hmm, that's actually the only one I've done! Maybe you're thinking of Beatallica or something?

Anyway, glad you guys are getting a kick out of it. It actually spread around like crazy when I did it, got played on the radio around the country, etc. Pretty wild.
I had take your advice, go to the studio, insert a SPL Charisma tube stage in the snare chanel and run the tape(I do it the analogue way), and what should I say, it works amazingly!! even with the wires on. :loco: :loco: :loco:

My Drummer sayed to me, he would have this sound on our next album. At this time I smashed his face with a baseball bat. :D :D :D

Matt Smith said:
Hmm, that's actually the only one I've done! Maybe you're thinking of Beatallica or something?

Anyway, glad you guys are getting a kick out of it. It actually spread around like crazy when I did it, got played on the radio around the country, etc. Pretty wild.

Heh.. That was my poor attempt at acting like a St. Anger fan who just thought he caught a Metallica B Side.

I've never heard this before but it was too funny. Right from the start I knew it was going to be wonderful. At 12 seconds when the first four snare hits come in I started laughing so hard I had to stop the mp3 and recover before continuing.. Then again it happened at the initial "OOOOOOOHHH OHHH!" I've shown it to everyone that I know and they all have approved of it. They've also been telling me to e-mail you and tell you to do a mock Metallica album.