OT: It's Official: New METALLICA Album To Be Produced By RICK RUBIN

Andy Sneap said:
Rubin wont make or break the album, he's not going to write it for them. He will hopefully be a fresh perspective for the band though.

Metallica should just realise that their sales will only be redeemed when they redeem themselves and release an album that the old fans can get into and respect. No-one cared for Load-St. anger as much as they did for the old stuff, so its the only way for htem now. If they fuck this up they might as well just release another live album/dvd, live off that and call it quits.
Nitro - The metal folding chair will still be there, but Rick Rubin, in an attempt to get back to HIS roots, will trigger it with his original AKAI MPC.
Wasn't the whole live thing what they claimed to be doing on ST Anger?

OzNimbus said:
I am a fan of Rubin's stripped down, 'honest' production work..... like on Seasons in the Abyss or the first few Danzig records. Hopefully he'll be bringing a cattle prod to the Metallica sessions and make the band play the songs live. Let's face it, that's where Metallica's strong point is. The live performance. If Rubin can capture that sort of energy in the studio, it should make for quite a record.

I think this will be good for Metallica. Bob Rock has a lot of skill, but helping to craft true metal is not amongst them. New blood is always good in these situations of stagnation.

My only concern is that Rubin might be a bit too laid back when someone actually needs to light a creative fire under their asses.
Matt Crooks said:
The stuff he did with Cash sounds great too.

Yeah, the Cash albums he did were great. I also love the albums he did with Trouble too, and Electric by The Cult is another awesome record.

rubthebuddha said:
I think this will be good for Metallica. Bob Rock has a lot of skill, but helping to craft true metal is not amongst them. New blood is always good in these situations of stagnation.

My only concern is that Rubin might be a bit too laid back when someone actually needs to light a creative fire under their asses.

Maybe Rubin will bring in Kerry King to, not light a fire, but kick them in the asses
estigma2001 said:
well Metallica should hire Mr. Sneap to make the new one:hotjump:

But as producer, wouldn't he have to attend Metallica's group therapy sessions? Since Andy is incapable of weepily menstruating, it just wouldn't work out.
Seriously, after seeing that film, what producer would want to climb aboard that trainwreck? Any sane person would quit by the fifth group hug, or just one of Lars' diatribes about his hurt feelings and all the incomprehensible psychobabble.
Originally Posted by hourglass
Yeah - and they should bring in Jeff Loomis & Gary Holt to write the motherfucker. And also get somebody to make Lars play any cymbal other than a high-hat all day long. And...
Oooooo Yea!!!!!!:hotjump:
A Gruesome Discovery said:
Seriously, after seeing that film, what producer would want to climb aboard that trainwreck? Any sane person would quit by the fifth group hug, or just one of Lars' diatribes about his hurt feelings and all the incomprehensible psychobabble.

I dunno, man... Lars was the only one making any sense in that whole movie when it came time to actually write and play some songs. The whole part where they made him out to be ridiculous for saying "it's stock..." and playing an odd-meter beat was kind of an eye opener. He was telling them right then and there that their shitty "open E to octave E riff number 86,984" was fucking boring but they wouldn't listen to him.

But he still needs someone to show him how to use a ride cymbal... I'm sure Andy could do it.

"Hey - shorty! Shut yer gob and just bang on the fucking big round shiny one in the chorus."
