Rick Rubin to produce next Metallica album

I think that's just a rumor. As far as I know, Lars has recently said Bob Rock will always be their producer. (unfortunately)
warparty666 said:
I can't see Metallica using anyone but Bob Rock. Rubin produced the new Neil Diamond CD, not sure why?

Neil Diamond and Rick Rubin, that is a strange combination. I hope he does the next Metallica record, Bob is overated imo
Neil Diamond and Rick Rubin, that is a strange combination. I hope he does the next Metallica record, Bob is overated imo
What about Rick Rubin and Johnny Cash another strange combination but, it produced the best 4 Johnny Cash albums imo.

Don't forget all the Rick Rubin produced stuff people hate on this board, Red Hot Chili Peppers, SOAD are 2 I can think of right off the bat.
Let's be fare. The producer does not write the music. A good producer can only do so much for a bad band. And a bad producer can only hurt a good band so much. The musicians are the ones you should worry about.

I think that, regardless of who produces it, we can brace ourselves for;

A. Not so hot drumming.

B. Lots of Wah wah pedal. Oh excuse me - that is if they "allow" kirk to have solos...

C. Lots of 'yeah yeah burtown' singing

D. probably some pretty ok bass - assuming they allow their current bassist to be creative.

E. A large debate as to weather or not this band is even worth listening to anymore. It seems whenever there is ANY news regarding metallica, the old shit storm starts up again. But hey, I'm usually the one starting it so I won't complain!
karrokid said:
What about Rick Rubin and Johnny Cash another strange combination but, it produced the best 4 Johnny Cash albums imo.

Don't forget all the Rick Rubin produced stuff people hate on this board, Red Hot Chili Peppers, SOAD are 2 I can think of right off the bat.
ACDC, The Cult (Electric), don't forget Slayer, Slipknot Vol. 3 (ho-hum record and sounds like ass, but not Rubin's fault), etc.
warparty666 said:
Rubin produced the new Neil Diamond CD, not sure why?

Rick Rubin is an admitted, long-time Diamondhead. :) Their collaboration has resulted in Neil's best material since 1972.

I think any producer other than Bob Rock would be the best thing for Metallica. Everything since he's come on board just keeps getting worse and worse.
originally posted by drokk
ACDC, The Cult (Electric), don't forget Slayer, Slipknot Vol. 3 (ho-hum record and sounds like ass, but not Rubin's fault), etc.

All good stuff. Rick's a great producer and, I'd love to hear his stripped down approach to Metallica.
And yeah people would still bitch about it because it's Metallica.

Bob Rock also produced a couple great Cult albums "Sonic Temple" and "Beyond Good and Evil" also "The Cult" which I liked after I went back and listened to it a few years later. They've changed styles so much you can't compare many albums to each other.