Rick Rubin to produce next Metallica album

Rick Rubin also produced a few Tom Petty records as well. I think Wildflowers was one and he might have done a heartbreakers album with him too. Rick has ecclectic tastes, but he only works with the people he wants to. If he doesn't think Metallica has it in them, he wouldn't even entertain it.
sumairetsu said:
I think any producer other than Bob Rock would be the best thing for Metallica. Everything since he's come on board just keeps getting worse and worse.
That's just coincidental. James would have written Load with or without Bob Rock.
Donnie Darko said:
They got rid of Bob Rock a year or so ago

I just read an interview with Lars like a week ago and he said that Bob Rock is still their man. I'm not sure if it was on the official website or one of their official fan sites. He was also mouthing off on Dave Mustaine (Lars, that is)
I love how Lars is the first one to call the Megadeth/ Metallica Fued pointless, yet, he is always the one that stirs the shit pot up again. Why Lars is even angry about that is beyond me - he made millions, he was the fucker instead of the fucked, what is to be mad about? Dave has great reason to be mad, as there was suppose to be a bond and a friendship there, not just a band relationship. And he got booted not as just a guitar player, but a buddy. Lars...... what a waste of sperm.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
did they? Got some info on this? Because if possibly it is true, then there is truly hope for the 'tallica boys.
Do you actually think so:confused: I mean every album after "Justice" has been a rapid decline. Metallica ended in 1989.
jpike said:
Do you actually think so:confused: I mean every album after "Justice" has been a rapid decline. Metallica ended in 1989.
What, not "metal" enough?
sumairetsu said:
Rick Rubin is an admitted, long-time Diamondhead. :) Their collaboration has resulted in Neil's best material since 1972.

That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.:Smug:

I've got nothing against Neil Diamond (except for that fucking Heartlight album - made me want to claw my eardrums out), especially his '60s material. ("Brooklyn Roads" is still an incredible song.) But I've heard most of 12 Songs, and I just didn't think that Rubin worked the same magic that he did with Johnny Cash. Maybe it's cause there was more to the arrangements than Diamond and his guitar, I dunno. Some of the tracks are okay, like "Hell Yeah" and "Captain Of Your Shipwreck," but I just can't get into that disc.
Drokk said:
What, not "metal" enough?
Don't question jpike. He knows EVERYTHING. He's the smartest dude on this board. The rest of us are a bunch of teenage-dumb-asses.
jpike said:
I was being serious, dude.
You are the coolest guy on this board, amongthedead- I mean jpike. Can you teach me how to be cool? Do I need to delete those PlayStation downloads off my site first?
Then will I be cool?
ThraxDude said:
I was being serious, dude.
You are the coolest guy on this board, amongthedead- I mean jpike. Can you teach me how to be cool? Do I need to delete those PlayStation downloads off my site first?
Then will I be cool?
My alter ego:Smokedev: :heh:
jpike said:
My alter ego:Smokedev: :heh:
Cool. :rock:

Anyway- back to the topic. Metallica will SUCK no matter what. Metallica is an embarassment to all that is metal.
Lars is the president of the Douche Crew.