Originally Posted By: "....I personally wouldn't want another Testament black metal influenced CD like The Gathering....."
First off, I don't think The Gathering is as influenced by Black Metal, as you seem to think IMO
"I would like it to be along the lines of First Strike Still Deadly which is much better than The Gathering"
Secondly, you can't compare First Strike Still Deadly, to other Testament regular album releases, it's old songs re-recorded, with some differences, from the original versions.
Thirdly, I thought The Gathering was their best Post-Alex album they have released(best in years)IMO. How could you not be satisfied with an album of that calibur? Or one of equal quality?
And finally, if I did have to say that a Testament album was influenced by Death Metal, then I would have to say it's Demonic,
thats as close to Black Metal as Testament ever came.........IMO
These are just my opinions, & I'm not trying to bash on you.....