within reach


Morgan Freeman
Feb 29, 2004
Anyone know if its possible to obtain any of the stuff from Within Reach (their first demo) I'd love to hear what they sounded like at first before Timeless Departure.
AlphaTemplar said:
I'd love to hear what they sounded like at first before Timeless Departure.
No you wouldn't :ill:

I have (part of?) Within Reach. I've never found anything else from that demo, but I can send you what I have of the very low-quality, probably incomplete Within Reach.
froosch said:
No you wouldn't :ill:

I have (part of?) Within Reach. I've never found anything else from that demo, but I can send you what I have of the very low-quality, probably incomplete Within Reach.

why not? sort of sounding like godsmack or locust, theyll still be the best metal group from here all the way up to earth