Things for the New Album?

Originally posted by Aborted Fetus

Rock on! We should jam when you guys get to the US! :D

Out of curiousity, what kind of equipment do you use? I really like the tone you got on the audio clip of "Skyfire."

Sure, I'll jam with you! :D

As embarrasing as it is I must say I don't remember all the stuff I used when we recorded the album :erk:. Most of the stuff (except my Ibanez) belonged to the studio. I used two parallel bass tracks on almost the entire album, one with distortion and one without (except on the soft the "Skyfire"-clip you were talking about).

Nowadays I use my Ibanez EDC705 along with my Bass POD. At the moment I don't even own an amp but I will probably buy one when I find something I like... any suggestions?
Oh boy, I'm full of suggestions! You've come to the right person! :D

Considering that you're going for the grindy, over driven sound, I'd recommend the Mesa Bass 400+. It's all tubes and loud as a mother, reminicient of the old 70s SVTs (the new ones are good, but don't compare). The amp is a real plug-n-play type amp... you don't have to tweak your settings too much.

Sticking with all tube amps, you could also shoot for an Ampeg SVT. Like I mentioned before, the old 70s SVT's are the best, but the SVT-CL and SVT-II Pro are pretty good too. The only problem with these Ampegs is that they're really heavy (80 lbs for the amp alone). I would urge you to stay away from the SVT-3 Pro because it just doesn't have enough power to cut it.

If you don't mind tweaking the knobs and buttons on your amp, I'd recommend the Mesa M-2000 (my amp). It has 2 channels built in: tube and solid state, with a solid state power amp. It's got plenty of power (625 watts @ 4 ohms) and is much lighter than the rest of the amps I mentioned. It's greatest strength is also it's greatest weakness: the flexibility. The good thing is that you can dial in just about any sound on this. You can use the tube section by itself, the solid state section by itself, or blend the two. Plus you have 9 band EQs on each of the channels that can be set to on, off, or mix. Each channel has it's own compressor (which are actually really good!) with 3 settings (off, 3:1, 5:1) as well control of the frequencies affected and the threshold. The possibilities are virtually endless. The bad thing is that there are so many damn knobs and switches on here, that it's almost intimidating, and if you don't know what you're doing, it can make finding a good sound a real pain in the ass. (Having a good bass helps here too.) I know of people who haven't been able to do much with the amp because they couldn't handle it, but I myself love it. I play an Ibanez BTB 406, which is a pretty nice bass, and I like to get a really bass heavy (this amp has TONS of low end!), aggressive, gritty sound. With this amp, I've gotten just that, and I'm loving it. For more info, check out the mesa webpage:

So yeah, that's my take on amps. I'm personally very fond of Mesa so I heartily recommend them. If you have any questions, let me know. I'm more than willing to help out a fellow bass player.

Originally posted by stargazer
So....opera on our next album you say? I'll have to hear what Henrik and the other guys have to say about it.. I somewhat doubt that the suggestion will be appreciated :)

Sorry... I'm not a opera singer neither a women... ;)
Soo... No opera tonight...
Originally posted by DarkMare
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Poorn Henrik! :lol:

PoorN???? PoorN Henrik???

irst that same Henrik tells me "Do me baby" (but I asked for it :lol: ) and then I see a poorN Henrik?? What is going on in here????? :eek:

Err, opera?

Yes, opera! Or any other female vocals! It'd sound like...Tristania, but a lot heavier!! That'd be VERY cool!
Henrik dont listen to this crazed death metal fan! Your vocals are great! LEAVE EM BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D

@Aborted hmmmmmmmm you sure know lots about bass amps, u get the prize for longest post in this forum :lol:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Henrik dont listen to this crazed death metal fan! Your vocals are great! LEAVE EM BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D

@Aborted hmmmmmmmm you sure know lots about bass amps, u get the prize for longest post in this forum :lol:

:lol: :lol:

*this guy doesn't seem to like me much* :lol:

longest post??

waait, we can open a happy thread.....or just copy the sinergy one!! :p
i got it! have the record comapny fly me aborted fetus and silent downfall in, ill play uh......the diggery doo on it, fetus can play bass and downfall will play his guitar!

yep im- a genious i know, just let me know when were going :D
hey this is to Henrik but you can answer Jonas, have you ever toyed with the thought of clean vocals on the next record??
Originally posted by Final_Vision
hey this is to Henrik but you can answer Jonas, have you ever toyed with the thought of clean vocals on the next record??

Well... we've thought about it... and we'll see if it will fit with some clean vocals on some of the parts of the songs we're working on now...
We have the potentiall in the band to use it, but we'll see...

I just have to spueeeeeeze my balls and then I can change my name to Kai Hansen... ;)

But... uhm... I sound like a Suomi-guy when i'm going to high.... according to Jocke "Grind", our drummer in skyfire.. hehe...
dont go squeeky power clean, just like maybe some Akerfeldt or Swano style clean.

But dont make a habit of it like Soilwork, where its like every chorus is clean. (nothing wrong with Soilwork, i love em)

of course u can do whatever you want too :D