Within Temptation Push?

I saw "Blood and Chocolate" tonight and my blood is boiling. It took them nearly a decade of development to turn one of my favorite novels into a cross between "Underworld" and a pilot for The CW network. Judging from the trailers, I knew they were changing some things (there isn't a lot of action in the novel, so the explosions and gunplay tipped me off). But the extent of the changes showed that the filmmakers had zero respect for the author of the novel. It takes a special kind of arrogance to think you can create a better story than the one written by the original author. They kept the names and the basic idea of love between a female werewolf and a human, and that's it.

So while I knew they were changing it, but I hoped that they would at least make the new story somewhat compelling. But it took the easy way and, shall we say, left no cliche unturned. There were some signs of coolness shining through - namely the werewolf society - but that's about it.

The novel is great if you like werewolf novels and are open to young adult fiction. If you saw the movie and thought it sucked, don't think you saw the real story. Unfortunately, this cinematic disaster has killed the possibility of a "real" "Blood and Chocolate" movie coming along anytime soon.

FWIW, I liked the "Underworld" movies.
Keith Caputo is the singer of Life of Agony indeed. I thought everyone knew that. Then again, everyone has their strengths and complete odd weaknesses.

I am also surprised that not everyone had an idea who Caputo was. Are you serious?? Come on......RIVER RUNS RED ring a bell..... that album is one of the best albums of all time, when your talking about anything remotely heavy. Indeed after river runs red, they changed there sound, but will always be a classic. Perfect sing along album. Caputo also has a solo project.