Within The Ruins - NEW ALBUM

Congrats Josh. I saw you were doing their new album on your page a while back and got excited for you. sounds great!

on a side note, these guys really do sound as good live as they do recorded. I had the privilege of playing a show with them about a year ago. needles to say, my jaw was on the floor the whole time. I had never even heard of them at the time. haha
sounds like the Big Bottom/treadplate 4x12 to me. I could be wrong though. that sim is so under rated... I think they based it off the recto sim, and just added a lot more low end and scooped the mids a bit...
Hi Joshua and All,

I have just registered as this post got me thinking and wanted to ask for your opinion:

- when POD is used, I've seen recommended to record dry through a DI and dress up later with the sim. if this was recorded wet straight from POD, I would say it is fine.

- as for guitar tracking, how many takes is this per side? how many layers per side? last time I was in a studio, the recording studio had us quad-track, but the mixing studio only used 2 takes. what a waste :)

hope you will be back to give some insight...

Cheers :)
- when POD is used, I've seen recommended to record dry through a DI and dress up later with the sim. if this was recorded wet straight from POD, I would say it is fine.
I'm pretty sure he said it's Pod Farm, not an actual Pod (as in hardware Pod) that's used on the guitars. So that means they recorded the DI's and then used the sim on them in the DAW.

The advantage of that is that you can record all the guitars first, and then you can tweak the sound after that, without having to record everything again in case you want less gain, for example.
Thanks Fama, both were mentioned, I just didn't realize pod always means the plugin. Now that I went through a few more topics it is clear and I have to laugh when I read the post, I was just overexcited and thirsty for knowledge (a.k.a. rookie but that can be seen from the number of my posts) haha
No problem :) Another advantage of recording DI's only (and then reamping/using plugins) is that clean guitar signal is waaaay easier to edit than something with distortion.

If you can play tight as fuck that isn't a problem, of course.