Within The Ruins style kick and guitar?

Feb 15, 2014

I really love this band because they have the sound style that I want/like.
I know some of you guys would called them overprocessed and what not but how can I get my kick to sound like that? I have the metal foundry for SD but I haven't really found a way to get that good kick.

Also added bonus: How can I get a guitar sound like that? I know it is mostly axe fx but how can I get similar tone using Amp sims and all that?

Thanks for the help guys.

(I don't plan on copying them. I just enjoy their sound style.)
Joshua Wickman at Dreadcore did both of their albums I believe. I'm not sure about the drums, but I know the first album was Pod Farm. Honestly I think the biggest thing to their sound is ULTRA tight editing and the scales they play
Yes, biggest thing is their tight editing. Guitars are pod von Invade and Pod + 6505(?) on Elite. Joshua posted some details for invade here and I think he used slate 11a and kick 5 oder 10 and some of his custom drum samples he made from drummers kit.
So they pretty much slice and edit every note to the grid? I thought that was how they got the really tight sound but I have heard people using kick to guitar gates

Thanks for the replies. I think have an ok tone right now for having mostly freeware on the guitar. I haven't had any luck getting that really heavy tight kick that some bands like After the Burial and Within The Ruins have.
Sorry, but those guitars sound like shreddage - sampled guitar. They have perfect straight notes without any pitch variations. Also guitar tone sound pretty much same... maybe same guitar?
I actually only have the first album he did with them. I haven't been keeping up with them. That sounds sick as fuck, though.

I wish he would post here more
Yeah so sort of offtopic myself I made a mix
https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/yes ...AAYzDvVIQb2W4H9EA8RQ6eHG2AiQiSSOjDtiAhfLAZpBQ
Trying to get better at them that is why I always ask for small little tips or idea on these forums but the practice room is usually dead
I really like WTR's mixes. The guy (I guess his name is Josh right?) does a great job.

I am going to try up this hell of a ladder to try to get better with everything. Improving my guitar skills and mixes. Hardest thing ever :'(
Sup guys,

Sorry I have been kinda slacking on my internet presence as of late. Like Jeff (aka my DAD!!!) said the album was supposed to mixed by someone else and that person was Mr. Suecof. The mixes I heard from Jason were super sick but the band just wanted something a little different. I'm glad I got the opportunity to mix this and I'm super happy with the results. I wish everyone could have heard the route Suecof went with the mix because I'm sure you would loved that as well. Also, the band did all the guitar tracking themselves and I produced the vocals and some extra stuff. We reamped the guitars with my 6505 and a Mesa Mark V going to two Mesa 4x12 and 57's on each cab and the preamps were some api clones I purchased from Jeff.

I will definitely try and start hanging around here more, I kinda miss this place. I honestly learned most of my knowledge here and owe a lot to this place and I'm glad to see it still thriving. Feel free to leave me any questions you might have here and I will try and get back to them.

Ps...I'm just going to leave this here.

Sup guys,

Sorry I have been kinda slacking on my internet presence as of late. Like Jeff (aka my DAD!!!) said the album was supposed to mixed by someone else and that person was Mr. Suecof. The mixes I heard from Jason were super sick but the band just wanted something a little different. I'm glad I got the opportunity to mix this and I'm super happy with the results. I wish everyone could have heard the route Suecof went with the mix because I'm sure you would loved that as well. Also, the band did all the guitar tracking themselves and I produced the vocals and some extra stuff. We reamped the guitars with my 6505 and a Mesa Mark V going to two Mesa 4x12 and 57's on each cab and the preamps were some api clones I purchased from Jeff.

I will definitely try and start hanging around here more, I kinda miss this place. I honestly learned most of my knowledge here and owe a lot to this place and I'm glad to see it still thriving. Feel free to leave me any questions you might have here and I will try and get back to them.

Ps...I'm just going to leave this here.

Thanks for posting man. I really love what you did with the new album sounds really good in the new songs I have heard.
Everybody with good production skills comes from this site.

If you want to answer a question.. I'd just ask this. As someone new to mixing and trying out a bit of mastering (nothing high end just my own works) do you have any basic advice?
So each guitar is a blend of Mark V and 6505 huh?

Indeed. What I did was use a boss chorus pedal, you can use a pedal that has a stereo output though, then use both outputs and run one to each head. I then use two aux tracks in protools as the inputs and then buss those to a single audio track. So I'm only recording a single audio track.