Without question the best breakdown in the fucking world, EVER.


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US

1:24-2:10 (actual breakdown starts at 1:48, but the buildup is way worth it :D)

EDIT: Realized this isn't a breakdown, but is still the best riff ever.
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The best breakdowns are when the singer yells "BREAK-DOWN!!!' right before they goes into the breakdownz.

the indisputable king of breakdowns is

doing a sex face right now

and yes i will post this every time there is a breakdown topic >:{
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Pssh, the only breakdowns that count are the one's cira Benediction and early 90's Napalm Death where it was the "circle pit" riff. Which was just the mid section where the guitars and drums grooved even better with the thrashy riffs. Of course, I'm just an old school kind of guy.:headbang:
in all fairness i can see why jesse's percieving it as a breakdown
if there was an actual break there for a moment and if the drums grooved out rather than just hammering away, there'd be a potentially cool breakdown there
anything from bury your dead > that

breakdown wise

Badass as fuck, anybody else think this kind of sounds like Slipknot? The first few riffs, anyway

Not at all. The Acacia Strain are kind of in their own territory. Unfortunately an area a lot of guys seem to try to replicate and can't pull it off just right.

The king of breakdowns to me is Pantera. Listen to the breakdown in "5 Minutes Alone" and you can hear pretty much any Killswitch breakdown from Alive or Just Breathing. It holds that swing that all those breakdowns have.
Negative, this is the best breakdown ever (1:39)

Annnd without a doubt the best lyrics:

Yo Logan, botgun that sheer!
Get the vibe goin' right in here.
Gotta write a jam. The one everyone wants to hear.

Crashing Flowing Swirling, Right from the Start
Except not with those lyrics, we already have a song about a shark!!!

OH SHIT! It's the death metal riff! I better sing about some face ripping, cat-raping bullshit!

Sit in my room and write about some brutal shit I know I'm never gonna do!

We gotta make it Thrash!
And make 'em bang their heads real fast
Make sure this song is really FUCKING STUPID!!!!

I think my vocals are pretty good so far, and I'm kinda ripped, so for this next part I'm gonna riff with the guitar.

2 minutes long, and fast as fuck!
This song is sick, but missing one part
OH yeah what is that?

We gotta get the kids, moving, circle pitting, stage-diving and singing along.
I've got a really original idea, of how I think we should end this song!


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