Without question the best breakdown in the fucking world, EVER.

i was waiting for someone to stop ignoring that i posted slit your guts
i heart you driller IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME
There are people on here who actually genuinely like Bury Your Dead? Why?

They are seriously terrible... the most boring, generic bullshit I've ever heard. The only people I've ever met in real life who listen to them are completely clueless scene kids who don't play music...
There are people on here who actually genuinely like Bury Your Dead? Why?

They are seriously terrible... the most boring, generic bullshit I've ever heard. The only people I've ever met in real life who listen to them are completely clueless scene kids who don't play music...

I don't like them, I love them. :)

I find it hard to believe that someone has listened through their albums and is still able to call them terrible, but apparently it's so.

Note: I'm anything but a scene kid.

BOT: The BDM riff is pretty nice, I'd like to hear what it'd be like with the drums grooving underneath it instead of still blazing away. Cool nonetheless and I do like the new album, maybe not as much as their previous effort though.
2:54 is the most brutal breakdown I've ever heard - feel free to disagree, I don't give a fuck :lol:

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The king of breakdowns to me is Pantera. Listen to the breakdown in "5 Minutes Alone" and you can hear pretty much any Killswitch breakdown from Alive or Just Breathing.
Totally. I buddy of mine and I used to joke about the fact that Pantera was the most influential hardcore band never to play hardcore.
Another one I'll add is "Gomorrah's Season Ends" by Earth Crisis. It's not that it's a great part, it's just that if you've ever seen EC live you know why every HC band since has had to play slower, lower and dumber to try to recreate the effect that that part had. I think people used to die when they would play that part.
There are people on here who actually genuinely like Bury Your Dead? Why?

They are seriously terrible... the most boring, generic bullshit I've ever heard. The only people I've ever met in real life who listen to them are completely clueless scene kids who don't play music...

Pretty much.
They are one of those bands that really make me despise the majority of the metalcore genre.
I'm not one to crusade for "tr00" metal, but sometimes core a lot of the time really does suck major dick compared to the non-core metal genres
breakdowns are cool but only when the breakdown uses a riff
riffs can be breakdowns, but a breakdown may not always be a riff ;)
@ 3:20


@ 20secs or so

I also like the break that comes out from the slow part in Chelsea Smiles by BMTH, but they cut that part out from the vid. Or rather, they cut the slow part out, which was the only reason I liked the breakdown being there.
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