Woe Is ME

id suggest you buy it online, it'll cost you probably less than 10$, i never buy cds in stores anymore since i found music distros, id try theomegaorder.com (slow shipping but a good price). relapse has a good mailorder too, hell even amazon might have it

one thing i've noticed about a band releasing a new album is that their forum gets saturated with shitty threads (and of course a few great new discussions:))
^nice, i live in canada though, it usually takes at minimum a month (which is unusual), but i havent ordered from there in a while

although if a new ulver is released...
I listen to vinyl almost exclusively, only band I collect anymore is Katatonia, and I kinda stopped that so much since there's so many good releases coming out these days. I can't say the same for every other person out there, but I prefer the sound of vinyl over cd...though most people would rather deal with a 5th generation mp3 from some torrent.
Has vinyl really improved over the older LPs? I mean i dont want to downgrade. Looks like collecting vinyl is for the purpose of collecting.

i buy everything exlusivly on vinyl now. i love it, i love the sound, its just something else....

plus the huge artwork is awesome, and its a fun thing to collect

and to answer your question, if it was recorded on analog and put on vinyl.....it's pretty awesome, but if its recorded digitally, its just cd quality with some pops here and there...

but thats really just my opinion...