Wojczech - Sedimente


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Wojczech – Sedimente
Selfmadegod Records – SMG020 – November 1st, 2005
By Jason Jordan


At times sounding like a less ethereal, more grind-oriented Buried Inside, primarily when the screams and snare drum coincide, Germany’s Wojczech have finally gotten around to releasing their first, proper album. Up until Selfmadegod Records lifted them out of the 7” sandbox, the guys hadn’t released a full-length since their inception in 1995. Welcome to 2005. Welcome to Sedimente.

These eleven tracks are quite a doozy, even when matched up against a crazy group like Watchmaker. Amidst an assortment of grind, crust, and punk, Wojczech are penning good songs, though they do falter in much the same way that labelmates Antigama did with Zeroland – when the material is as agreeable as this is, I want more than twenty-three minutes of it. Aside from that glaring weakness, Sedimente has much to love. The alternation of growls and screams, the grooves hidden beneath mounds of dissonance, the abundance of instrumental delight, and the ensuing chaos just oozes moxie, which in turn results in a formidable piece of metal. It probably doesn’t even have to be said, but those with an affinity for Wojczech should seek nothing except this disc for satiation. In other words, to summon an often-used phrase, accept no substitutes. However, remember that Sedimente will cost you a little less than a dollar per minute of music.

My chief complaint with this album, which is the same for nearly all the records I’ve received from Selfmadegod, is its length. Couldn’t these troupes be locked in the studio a little longer? The extension of time, coupled with the quality of music, would quell my hang-up and Wojczech would probably kill me anyway before I had a chance to open my mouth. At any rate, grindcore whores should investigate Selfmadegod Records along with their recent releases. I found Catheter’s (* shudder *) Dimension 303 to be the most satisfying of the label’s roster, but feel free to discover them for yourself. Otherwise, if you’re filthy rich, just buy Selfmadegod’s whole catalog. I would.


Official Wojczech Website
Official Selfmadegod Records Website