wolverhampton 9th april


New Metal Member
Apr 9, 2006
OH my god what a night a 90min set of complete mayhem all the classics were in there

nfl, i am the law, indians and so on

beond fear kicked ass and the mish pit was mad:headbang: :headbang:

thank you anthrax for the best night of the year it will tack a lot to match that:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :worship: :worship: :worship:
sorry to disagree with you. heres my review

Well, we are driving to the gig wondering why we are actually going. John Bush in our opinion IS Anthrax and the way he and Rob we removed from the band was disgraceful. But I suppose curiosity and our soft spot for Anthrax has got the better of us and we are going to see them Belladonna and Spitz.

We get their and the place is as busy as it was for Anthrax last time with Bush. Beer at the bar is still a rip off and the bar itself is still far too small considering the number of people it serves.

Two support bands tonight. The first, whose name escapes me right now, are very good. The second Beyond Fear featuring Tim "Ripper" Owens sound like a bad Judas priest rip off.

So onto Anthrax, the room is full and everyone is waiting in anticipation for them to take the stage. The lights dim and through the PA blasts the blues brothers tune before they jump into Among the Living.

Joey is looking very old now, slightly hunched over as he stumbles around the stage. Someone throw this man a zimmer frame he needs help just moving! Scott, Frank and Charlie are as active on stage as ever. Dan however waltz round the stage likes he owns it, smug look on his face nodding (not head banging) to the crowd posing like he should be in Motley Crue not Anthrax!

I have to say I was swept away with the nostalgia of it all as they rip through Metal Thrashing Mad and Got the Time, and so are the rest of the crowd by the look of it. The circle pit for Caught in a Mosh is massive.

Then Joey speaks "after many years ANTHRAX ARE BACK", funny I though I only saw them just over a year ago, I wouldn't consider a year many years, unless of course Joey thinks Anthrx died when he was sacked first time round. "This is the first song from MY second album". My god I thought, they aren't going to play one of the Belladonna the band songs are they, they were truly awful! Luckily they weren't he was actually referring to AIR from Spreading the Disease. Interesting how he refers to it as "MY second album" surely it's Anthrax's album not his. But anyway small points aside they kick off into AIR the crowds enthusiasm has dwindled slightly now, the pit is smaller and Joeys old, tired voice is showing through. His voice can't last a whole gig like John Bush's could.

They follow on with Skeletons in the Closet, Antisocial, NFL, and Medusa. Joey then takes time out to introduce the band. This was a bad move the crowd have not been into the second half of this section of the set as the first. The wave of nostalgia has worn off and the crowd are wondering why some of the better material post 1991 hasn't been played. Joey goes on....

Joey: "I'd like to introduce the best thrash metal band in the world"
Crowd: "SLAYER"

Not a good start to the intro. He goes on and introduces Charlie and Frank before ...

Joey: "and on guitar Dan Spitz"
Crowd: "Boooooo"

I've never heard a boo like that from a crowd before.

Following the introduction of Scott, he takes the mike...

Scott: "and lets not forget our singer..."
Crowd: "JOHN BUSH!!!"

Quickly moving on the band play Indians. Dan is notably absent from the front of the stage and lingers at the back looking pissed off and lacking enthusiasm completely. Following this the band leaves the stage.

After the obligatory chanting for Anthrax they return and kick into Be All, End All. The crowds enthusiasm is all but gone now, Dan Spitz is still sulking at the back of the stage.

At this point we decide to leave, walking out the back we talk to the opening act who are selling their own t-shirts and cd's, we buy one of course. We say we are leaving because Anthrax are woeful without Bush, they say people have been pouring out saying the same thing and that they are in agreement - nice to see an opening act has such faith in it's headliner!

Looking back now, it was a good start, the first half of the set were the same songs they played live with Bush, the second half well it was the early stuff they never used to play live any more because they had better material to play in its place post 1991. It's a shame Joey refuses to play songs post 1991 as the crowd would have retained interest for longer having songs like hy-pro-glo, safe home and inside out instead of substandard early years stuff. It looks to me like Anthrax are trying to erase everything they did between 1991 and 2005. I am disappointed as White Noise and We've come for you all are two of their best albums.

Scott and Charlie, I hope you take note of the crowds reaction tonight - you just can't forget the last 13/14 years like they didn't happen. Your fans will never forget!

Full Setlist

Among the Living
Metal Thrashing Mad
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Skeletons in the Closet
Be All, End All
I'm the Man
I am the Law
bloody Hell Bob.. why the hell go and see them them if your such a *Bush Fan*

so many people so quick to judge the band these days.. Ive seen Anthrax play live since ohhhhhh so many times. with Belladonna and Bush as singer.. you cant really compare the two singers coz guess what? there two diffrent people with two completeley diffrent singing styles.. Im a a sucker for Belladonna, always have been coz I first got into Anthrax when Belladonna was the singer.. I never liked Bush but still followed the band anyway and went faithfully to gigs ...

as for the crowed shouting slayer and Bush and booing band members well just goes to show how ignorant and rude peope can be eh? why even go to the gig if all your gonna do it slag them off and leave them without a name. I dont get it..
Yeah I can see you definately had your *Bush* glasses on....shame

Not knocking anything but do you honestly think John looks like a teenager?

yeah well, if you go in with your ears closed its always gonna be hard to have a good time, i loved the bush years, i loved the joey years......so no such probs for me :)

the second half of the set looks badass to me, man i hope they play aftershock and skeletons at the show i am at..... tonight!!! wheeeeeeeee, super excited right about now

finally 16 years of waiting, i get to see joey
I was at this concert with my girlfriend and a couple of mates who had flown all the way from Jersey to see them and Beyond Fear, and we all had an amazing time.

Beyond Fear were superb, the Rippers vocals get better every time I see him (previously with Priest) and the new material is amazing, absolutely loved Scream Machine.

And onto Anthrax...

Well I disagree with a lot of Bob's comments, i've not posted on the board before but felt I just had to say something...

We all thought that Joey had a great stage presence, he is an excellent front man and the whole crowd seemed to love them, I didn't see one bored face there, everyone was having a good time.

And when he introduced the band, I myself did not hear anyone booing Dan Spitz, my mates said they heard a couple, but that was then followed by the whole audience cheering... and when he mentioned the worlds best thrash band I only heard one person shout Slayer, right at the back, and that doesn't mean he was slagging Anthrax down, just that Slayer's possibly his favourite band... and when the singer got introduced, none of us heard anyone shout John Bush...

I did not see anyone leave early either, the place was mobbed right to the very end, maybe the people he saw leaving were going to the toilet quite possibly?

I don't know what this guy was on, but I think he exagerated on a major scale....

So don't let this guy put you off to anyone going to the future dates,
We all loved it, they were better than expected, Joey's voice was superb, he hadn't changed one bit over the years, and when he was introducing NFL, he held his voice on one of the words to the song (can't remember which one) for ages, i'd like to see you do that...

It was an amazing concert and everyone there seemed to have a really good time, including Anthrax themselves
did you stop to think that the crowd wasn't loosing intrest but nackerd from all the jumping,moshing and singing

all the people i could see there were having a great time and by the way you would expect them to play all joey years if its a reunion tour

roll on the new album:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
bob_garage said:
John Bush in our opinion IS Anthrax

dude, you can't be taken serious! John Bush rocks but he is NOT Anthrax! or do you believe that Anthrax were formed in 1992 and SOWN was their debut? you're just an ignorant basher!
I went to the concert and thought it was awesome!!!
Beyond Fear were brilliant, and I'll definately be buying their debut album.
As for Anthrax they were excellent, and lived up to what I was expecting (not been to many metal concerts). Can't wait for the new album!!!